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November 26, 2020

The Importance of News

How important it is to be informed of what is happening around the world? We may live in different countries but that does not mean we should only think of and care for the country we are living in. What is happening outside but within the same world will still affect lives including yours. The […]

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February 17, 2020

Tips When Buying A Tree Stand for Hunting

With the finish of summer drawing closer and readiness previously beginning for fall, it is critical to consider those trees where people who love hunting can get a preferred position over deer in the up and coming bows and arrows and gun seasons all through Runnings region. With a wide assortment of tree stands accessible, […]

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February 4, 2020

What You Need to Know About Business this 2020

Planning to start a business? But, money is the problem? Many people always ask him about how they can start a business if they don’t have the capital for that business. He believes that the worst time of establishing a business is when you’re anxious because you really need money.  Sometimes, if people don’t have […]

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November 30, 2019

Managing AdWords Account With Scripts

A Pay-per-click (PPC) campaign is an online advertising model utilized by websites to drive traffic to their sites, wherein a publisher is paid by the advertiser when the advertisement is clicked, hence, pay-per-click. PPC is usually connected with first-tier search engines. A PPC campaign could greatly benefit from scripts and there is a giant collection […]

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Latest News on Malaysian Wardrobe: Trends and Updates

Malaysia is a country with lots of culture, and their fashion world doesn’t fall behind. In time, Malaysian fashion changed and updated with the new times while keeping its special character.

The Malaysian wardrobe uses both old, traditional designs like batik prints and new modern simple styles.

A new fashion in Malaysia is that modest clothing is becoming more and more popular. With many Muslims around, this fashion is making new designers who make clothes that are both modest and stylish.

Another popular thing happening with Malaysian fashion is using materials that are good for the environment and last longer. With more care about nature, this not only helps the environment but also all of fashion. It makes waiting for responsible and good behavior from clothes even easier in our world overall.

Trends in Malaysian Wardrobe

Malaysia is famous for its mix of cultures, which can be seen in the country’s fashion styles. In the past, Malaysian fashion has changed a lot and now there are many popular styles in fashion that makes people feel welcome to wardrobe.

Influence of Cultural Events

Malaysia is a country with many different cultures, and events connected to culture help make fashion trends. For example, during the Hari Raya holiday, many Malaysians wear traditional clothes like Baju Melayu and Baju Kurung. Just like that, during the Chinese New Year celebrations people often wear traditional Chinese clothes such as Cheongsam and Qipao. These are very popular too at this special time.

Celebrity Fashion Impact

Famous people influence fashion styles in Malaysia just like everywhere else. Many people in Malaysia get style ideas from their favorite stars, which has made celebrity fashion popular. In the last few years, stars like Neelofa and Yuna have helped to change how fashion is seen in Malaysia.

Seasonal Shifts in Style

Malaysia has a tropical weather, and this affects much the styles in dress. In the hot and humid months, people like to use lightweight clothes made from cotton or linen. People from Malaysia often wear brighter colors during this time. The fashion changes with seasons reflect what Malaysians need and are a big part of trends in Malaysia including keeping up with fashion by wearing a hoodie

Final Thoughts

In short, Malaysian fashion trends are greatly inspired by cultural happenings, famous clothing styles and change in style with each season. The mixed cultures in Malaysia have made a wide variety of fashion styles. People from Malaysia are known for their on-trend clothes.

The Essential Role of Media in Investigative Journalism

In an age where information flows ceaselessly, the role of Privin and media in investigative journalism emerges as a beacon of truth and accountability. Media outlets, armed with resources and determination, board stories that lie beneath the surface, often hidden from the public eye. This in-depth exploration is not merely a pursuit of news; it’s a quest for truth and justice.

Investigative journalism stands as a pillar of democracy. It holds the powerful to account, exposes wrongdoing, and illuminates issues that affect society at large. The process involves meticulous research, dogged reporting, and an unwavering commitment to uncovering facts. Media outlets, in their pursuit, often face obstacles – from limited access to information to threats against their staff. Yet, they persevere, driven by a sense of duty to the public.

One key aspect of investigative journalism is its ability to drive change. History is replete with instances where investigative reporting has led to significant reforms. Be it the exposure of corruption in high places or the unveiling of systemic injustices, these stories have often been the catalyst for societal and legislative transformations. Media outlets, through their investigative work, not only inform the public but also empower them to demand accountability and justice.

Another critical element is the ethical responsibility that comes with investigative journalism. Reporters and editors navigate complex moral landscapes, balancing the need for public awareness with the potential impact on those involved in the stories. They adhere to stringent standards of accuracy and fairness, understanding that the power of the media must be wielded with responsibility and care.

The rise of digital media has both expanded and complicated the landscape of investigative journalism. On one hand, it has democratized information, enabling independent journalists and smaller outlets to make significant contributions to the field. On the other hand, it has also led to challenges in distinguishing credible journalism from misinformation. This underscores the importance of media literacy among the public, ensuring that people can critically evaluate the information they consume.

Investigative journalism also faces financial challenges. In-depth investigations require significant resources, often with no immediate financial return. This has led to a decline in investigative reporting in some traditional media outlets. However, the emergence of non-profit organizations and crowd-funded journalism projects offers a ray of hope, demonstrating that public interest in hard-hitting journalism remains strong.

Finally, the future of investigative journalism lies in embracing innovation while holding steadfast to its core principles. The use of data journalism, collaborative reporting across borders, and interactive storytelling are just some ways the field is evolving. These innovations not only enhance the quality of reporting but also engage audiences more effectively.

Breaking News in Construction: Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation Takes Center Stage

closed cell insulation

In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, innovations that redefine efficiency and sustainability are constantly emerging. One such breakthrough, now making waves across the sector, is closed cell spray foam insulation. As we dive into the heart of this cutting-edge insulation technology, we uncover its growing prominence, major projects, advancements, and success stories that are reshaping the construction narrative.

The Rise to Prominence

Closed cell spray foam insulation has swiftly risen to center stage in the construction world. This versatile and efficient insulation method has become a game-changer for builders and homeowners alike. Its popularity is not only attributed to its insulating properties but also to its ability to create a seamless, airtight barrier against heat transfer. This not only ensures optimal energy efficiency but also offers long-term cost savings.

Major Projects Showcasing the Impact

Numerous major projects around the globe now stand as testaments to the efficacy of closed cell spray foam insulation. From residential developments to commercial complexes, this insulation technology is leaving its mark. In the heart of city skylines and suburban landscapes, buildings equipped with closed cell spray foam insulation are setting new standards for energy conservation.

  • Sky High Efficiency: Skyscrapers, traditionally known for their energy-intensive profiles, are now adopting closed cell spray foam insulation to enhance their energy efficiency. This groundbreaking insulation is proving instrumental in reducing overall energy consumption in towering structures.
  • Eco-Friendly Residences: Residential communities are embracing closed cell spray foam insulation to align with sustainable living practices. Homeowners are experiencing not only improved energy efficiency but also a positive impact on their carbon footprint.

Advancements Propelling the Industry Forward

The success of closed cell spray foam insulation is further propelled by continuous advancements in the technology. Manufacturers and researchers are working hand in hand to refine the formulation, making it more effective and environmentally friendly.

  • Innovative Formulations: Ongoing research has led to the development of innovative formulations that enhance the insulation properties of closed cell spray foam. These formulations are not only more effective in insulating against heat transfer but also contribute to the overall durability of the insulation.
  • Environmental Considerations: The construction industry’s increasing focus on sustainability has prompted advancements that prioritize eco-friendly materials in closed cell spray foam insulation. As a result, builders can now choose insulation solutions that align with their commitment to green building practices.

Success Stories Echoing Across the Industry

Behind closed cell spray foam insulation’s ascent to prominence are success stories that resonate throughout the construction industry. Builders, contractors, and homeowners are sharing their experiences of improved energy efficiency and sustainable construction practices.

  • Energy Cost Savings: Numerous success stories highlight significant reductions in energy costs for buildings incorporating closed cell spray foam insulation. This not only benefits the end-users but also positions this insulation technology as a wise investment for builders.
  • Increased Comfort: Homeowners consistently report enhanced comfort levels, thanks to the insulation’s ability to maintain a consistent and comfortable indoor temperature. Closed cell spray foam insulation ensures a cozy living environment, regardless of external weather conditions.

Understanding the Impact on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Closed cell spray foam insulation’s impact on energy efficiency and sustainability extends beyond individual projects. The construction industry, as a whole, is recognizing the role this technology plays in shaping a greener and more energy-conscious future.

  • Energy Efficiency Benchmark: Closed cell spray foam insulation is setting a benchmark for energy efficiency in construction. As regulations and standards evolve, this insulation technology provides a scalable solution for builders to meet and exceed energy performance requirements.
  • Sustainable Construction Practices: The adoption of closed cell spray foam insulation aligns with the broader shift toward sustainable construction practices. As the industry embraces eco-friendly alternatives, this insulation stands out as a key contributor to reducing environmental impact.

READ ALSO: Unlocking Your Social Media Growth: The Power of News Media


In conclusion, the breaking news in construction circles is all about closed cell spray foam insulation taking center stage. From major projects showcasing its impact to continuous advancements propelling the industry forward, and success stories echoing across the sector, this insulation technology is reshaping the way we build and live. As we navigate the evolving landscape of the construction industry, closed cell spray foam insulation stands as a beacon of innovation, offering a brighter, more sustainable future.

Navigating Germany: Stay Updated with German News and Railway Insights for Seamless Travel

german railways

Embark on a journey through the heart of Germany with our comprehensive guide that seamlessly integrates the latest German news updates with essential railway information (bahnauskunft). Discover how staying informed enhances your travel experience through the efficient German Railway system.

Exploring Germany’s Rich Tapestry

Germany, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and picturesque landscapes, offers a captivating journey for travelers. Whether you’re an avid explorer or a first-time visitor, navigating this diverse country becomes even more enchanting when armed with the latest news and crucial railway information.

The Pulse of Germany: News Updates

Staying Informed for a Smoother Journey

As you prepare for your German adventure, staying updated with the latest news is key to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable trip. From cultural events and local festivals to changes in transportation schedules, being in the know adds an extra layer of richness to your travel experience.

  • Local Events and Festivals: Immerse yourself in Germany’s culture by participating in local events and festivals. Stay updated on dates, locations, and unique traditions that make each celebration special.
  • Weather and Travel Alerts: Keep an eye on weather forecasts and travel alerts to plan your itinerary effectively. Being aware of potential disruptions allows you to make informed decisions and adapt your plans accordingly.
  • Cultural Insights: Understanding the cultural nuances of different regions adds depth to your journey. The latest news provides valuable insights into the customs, traditions, and current affairs shaping the communities you’ll encounter.

Navigating the Rails: Essential Railway Information

Efficient Travel with German Railways

Germany’s renowned railway system is a testament to efficiency and connectivity. Enhance your travel experience by delving into essential railway information that ensures a seamless journey from city to city.

  • Timely Departures and Arrivals: German trains are known for their punctuality. Stay on top of departure and arrival times to maximize your time exploring each destination.
  • Ticketing and Reservations: Understanding the ticketing system and making reservations in advance can save you both time and money. Explore various ticket options and find the best fit for your travel plans.
  • Rail Pass Options: For those planning extensive travel within Germany, exploring rail pass options can be cost-effective. Learn about the different types of passes available and choose the one that aligns with your itinerary.
  • Connecting Cities: Germany’s well-connected railway network allows for efficient travel between cities. Discover the best routes, connections, and the scenic beauty that unfolds outside your train window.

Embracing the Journey

As you embark on your German adventure armed with the latest news updates and railway insights, remember that the essence of travel lies not only in the destinations but in the journey itself. Embrace the diversity, savor every moment, and let the rhythmic hum of the train wheels guide you through the heart of Germany.

READ ALSO: Media News: A Catalyst for Promoting Private Messaging Platforms


Incorporating the latest news and railway information into your travel plans transforms a visit to Germany into an immersive experience. From the lively pulse of local events to the rhythmic efficiency of the railway system, each element contributes to a seamless and unforgettable journey.

Instagram Adds Song Lyrics Display to Reels

instagram ReelsEarly this month, Instagram enhanced its Reels feature with the addition of Song Lyrics display for each Reel clip, which enhances music promotion at Instagram. There’s no denying that music is a key element of growth in social media platforms as demonstrated by TikTok when it added the Billboard trending chart last September 2023.

The Song Lyrics display in Reel clips is Instagram’s latest approach to expand its coverage of the music industry. Even before, creators of Reels music clips have been manually adding lyrics in their Reels music videos. Its recent roll out as a Reels option makes sense for IG users because it makes the lyrics addition easier to accomplish.

The Song Lyrics Display is a New Feature of IG Reels

Although song lyrics display is an option already available in IG Stories, its addition in the music video clips of IG Reels will make the marketing and promotion of songs in the Instagram platform more effective.

song lyricsReels now enable music artists using the IG app, to add song lyrics texts on the screen. Doing so expands music engagements with fans and followers.

In using the lyrics addition option to a Reels music clip, the IG app user can choose the font to use, and highlight the relevant lyrics. Moreover, users may choose to include a more specific message in a Reels music clip.

Unlocking Your Social Media Growth: The Power of News Media

Buy Followers
Media News

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. From staying connected with friends and family to promoting businesses and personal brands, social media is a powerful tool for communication and networking. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, leveraging the influence of traditional news media can be a game-changer in boosting your social media followers. Visit this website for more information

The Synergy Between News Media and Social Media

The relationship between news media and social media is more interconnected than ever before. News organizations, whether established media giants or independent outlets, have recognized the importance of maintaining a strong presence on various social platforms. This convergence of traditional and digital media creates a unique opportunity for individuals and businesses to tap into a wider audience and grow their social media following.

1. Credibility and Trust

News media outlets are perceived as credible sources of information. They invest heavily in fact-checking and maintaining journalistic standards, which helps build trust with their audience. When you share content from reputable news sources on your social media, you not only provide valuable information but also transfer a degree of that credibility to your own profile. Your followers are more likely to trust the content you share, making them more likely to engage with your posts and follow you for the latest updates.

2. Content Inspiration

News media is a wellspring of inspiration for social media content. News articles cover a wide range of topics, and you can curate and share stories that align with your personal or business interests. Whether you’re an environmental activist, a tech enthusiast, or a fashion influencer, you can find news stories that resonate with your audience. Sharing relevant news content not only keeps your feed fresh but also positions you as an informed and engaged user.

3. Trend Riding

News media keeps you updated on the latest trends and topics. By staying informed about what’s happening in the world, you can participate in real-time discussions on social media. Engaging with trending topics not only increases your visibility but also attracts a broader audience interested in those subjects. Posting timely content related to current events can significantly boost your follower count.

Strategies to Leverage News Media for Social Media Growth

Now that we’ve explored the synergy between news media and social media, let’s delve into some strategies to make this partnership work for you:

1. Curate and Share

Follow reputable news outlets that align with your interests and niche. Regularly curate and share articles, videos, and updates from these sources. Don’t forget to add your commentary or insights to show your perspective and keep your feed engaging.

2. Hashtags and Trends

Use relevant hashtags and jump on trending topics. Twitter, for example, often displays trending hashtags that relate to current events. Join the conversation by using these hashtags in your posts, and you’ll reach a broader audience interested in those topics.

3. Collaborate with News Media

Collaborate with news organizations or journalists in your field. This can involve interviews, guest posts, or contributing expert commentary. These collaborations can introduce your profile to the news outlet’s audience and establish you as an authority in your niche.

4. Engage Your Audience

Encourage your followers to share their opinions on the news and current events. Engaging discussions can increase your visibility and encourage more people to follow you for insightful conversations.

5. Timing Is Key

Post news-related content when it’s most relevant. Timeliness can significantly impact the reach of your posts. Be aware of your audience’s time zones and peak usage times.

You might also want to read about Paws and Playbacks: The Growing Impact of Veterinary Podcasts on Pet Care Education.


The synergy between news media and social media is a potent tool for expanding your online presence. Leveraging news media content not only boosts your credibility and trust but also provides a consistent source of inspiration for your social media strategy. By curating, engaging, and collaborating, you can unlock the full potential of the power of news media and watch your social media followers grow exponentially. Stay informed, stay engaging, and watch your influence on social media flourish.

Paws and Playbacks: The Growing Impact of Veterinary Podcasts on Pet Care Education

Veterinary Practice

In today’s fast-paced digital world, information is at our fingertips, and pet owners are increasingly turning to new mediums for advice, guidance, and education when it comes to the well-being of their furry companions. One such medium that has gained significant traction in recent years is the world of veterinary podcasts. These audio-based platforms have evolved into a valuable resource for pet owners seeking knowledge, discussing pet health issues, receiving advice from trusted professionals, and even finding veterinary practices for sale.

The Rise of Veterinary Podcasts

The concept of podcasts is not new, but their application in the field of veterinary medicine has experienced a surge in popularity. As more and more veterinarians and animal experts recognize the potential of podcasts to reach a wider audience, these audio shows have proliferated across the digital landscape. Podcasts dedicated to pet care and veterinary medicine are now available on various platforms, making it convenient for pet owners to access information on the go.

Accessibility and Convenience

One of the key reasons behind the success of veterinary podcasts is their accessibility and convenience. Pet owners can listen to episodes while commuting, exercising, or performing household chores. This allows them to stay informed and engaged with their pets’ health without dedicating specific time for research. Additionally, podcasts often feature diverse topics and expert guests, providing a wealth of information in an engaging and easily digestible format.

Expert Insights and Advice

Veterinary podcasts bring together professionals from the field, including veterinarians, animal behaviorists, and nutritionists, to share their expertise. These experts discuss a wide range of topics, from common pet health issues to more specialized subjects. Listeners can gain valuable insights into pet care, preventive measures, and treatment options directly from those who have dedicated their careers to animal welfare.

Building Trust and Community

Apart from disseminating knowledge, veterinary podcasts foster a sense of community among pet owners. Many podcasts encourage audience engagement through social media, email, or live Q&A sessions, creating a space where listeners can share their experiences, ask questions, and connect with fellow pet enthusiasts. This sense of community can be especially comforting for those facing pet health challenges, knowing that they are not alone in their journey.

Staying Informed in Evolving Times

The field of veterinary medicine is constantly evolving, with new research, treatments, and best practices emerging regularly. Veterinary podcasts help pet owners stay up to date with the latest developments, ensuring that their pets receive the best care possible. Whether it’s discussing emerging diseases, innovative treatments, or behavioral training techniques, podcasts offer a dynamic platform for continuous learning.

You might also want to read Chihuahua: Famous Dogs On Social Media.


In an era where information is abundant but time is limited, veterinary podcasts have emerged as a valuable tool for pet owners seeking reliable guidance on pet care and health. The combination of accessibility, expert insights, and community building makes them a powerful medium for pet education. As the popularity of these podcasts continues to grow, so too does their potential to positively impact the lives of pets and their devoted owners. So, whether you’re a long-time pet owner or a newcomer to the world of furry companions, consider tuning in to a veterinary podcast to expand your knowledge and enhance your pet’s well-being. After all, with “Paws and Playbacks,” learning about pet care has never been more accessible or enjoyable.

Future of CNN+ Hangs on a Balance as Daily Viewerships Stay at Less than 10K

CNN+, the subscription news streaming service launched last March 29 to become available at Roku, has been struggling to increase its less than 10k viewers. CNN+ subscribers have to pay a yearly fee of $59.99 ly or $5.99 even if still isn’t available on Android TV. Unnamed sources are saying that the future of CNN now hangs on a balance.

Low Audience Number Has Not Improved since Launch

The meager size of the CNN+ audience was disclosed by individuals who spoke to CNBC on conditions of anonymity. According to them, the low audience number, which has not improved since launch day, has been casting doubt over the potentials of the application. The launch took place after Warner Media completed the merger of Discovery Channel with Warner Bros. Discovery.

CNBC presented a clearer perspective on how the paltry viewership is hurting CNN by citing that when the news channel suffered from a serious viewership decline last year, the news website still drew an average of 773,000 viewers everyday. Although CNN wanted to make a huge impact with CNN+ by recruiting big-name news personalities like Chris Wallace from Fox News and Kasie Hunt from NBC News, there has not been enough demand to support and sustain CNN+ as a stand-alone, news streaming service.

The reality is that majority of the customers using streaming services, opt for entertainment first. Currently, Disney+ has been dominating the streaming landscape, having taken in more than 10 million subscribers on its very first day of launch alone.

While other streaming services have been releasing information about the exact number of subscribers to their news programs, CNN+ has yet to release an official statement about the number of subscribers using the CNN+ streaming application.

According to an Axios report a new leadership at Warner Bros. Discovery effective May 01, and in the person of incoming CNN chief Chris Licht will decide on how to best proceed with the future of CNN+.

Role of Media for Towing Business

The media do not stand apart from business. But, they actively influence the formation of opinions and thus decisions in business practice.

Social media benefits for heavy duty towing business growth

Increase the number of website hitsheavy duty towing

Social media posts and ads are equally good ways to drive traffic to your Heavy Duty Towing website. Sharing useful content from your blog or website on your social media channels can attract many readers as soon as it is published.

Also, participating in social media chats can increase your visibility, attract new prospects, demonstrate your expertise, and drive more traffic to your website.

Don’t just promote your products and services but deliver real value. Make sure your website address is included on all your social media profiles so anyone interested can learn more about you with just one click.

Generate leads

Social media is an easy way for potential customers to show interest in your company and its products. Generating leads is one of the great advantages of social media for companies. Therefore, many social networks offer special advertising formats for collecting leads.

Boost sales

No matter what you’re selling, social media can help. Your social media accounts are a critical part of your sales funnel, the process by which a new lead becomes a customer.

The more people use social media and the more sales are made through social media, the more important social media networks become for product research and e-commerce. That’s why you should now align your social media marketing with your sales goals.

For some sales professionals, social selling is already an important sales tool.

Interactions with Customers and Target Audience

Social media networks allow you to interact directly with customers and fans, while your target audience has the opportunity to interact directly with your brand. In contrast to the one-way communication offered by traditional media, social media works both ways.

Learn more about your customers

Social media generates a tremendous amount of information about your customers in real-time. You can use this data to make smarter business decisions.

All major social networks offer analytics tools that give you demographic information about the users who interact with your account. This allows you to develop a strategy tailored to your true audience.

Stay up to date on industry news

Everything moves very quickly in the online world. You can’t let yourself be left behind. Anyone who keeps an ear to the market through social listening stays informed about forthcoming changes in the industry and knows which events could also influence their own corporate policy.

Fox News Stands to Face Dominion Lawsuit as Judge Rejected Petition for Dismissal

Fox News will face the $1.6 billion lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems after the presiding Delaware judge dismissed the former’s petition for dismissal. The Dominion lawsuit claimed that Fox amplified the conspiracy theories that the company’s voting systems made it possible for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to win the November 2020 presidential elections.

Delaware court judge Eric Davis said in a written ruling that Dominion provided enough evidence to support their case against Fox News. The lawsuit was first filed last March, where the company claimed that Fox News anchors amplified false conspiracy theories in order to boost their ratings.

Lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, along with other Trump campaign supporters, floated allegations of conspiracy theories that involved the company’s technology in rigging the total of votes presented as results of the presidential election.

Fox News Asserts Freedom of Speech as Best Defense

A Fox News spokesperson responded that Dominion’s lawsuit is baseless and that they are ready to defend themselves. Furthermore, the spokesperson added that just like any other news organization in the country, they covered the latest news concerning the 2020 election. The news channel asserts that their goals is to provide the people with full context, which distinct analysis indicates is a thorough method of reporting.

Trump supporters are also facing similar lawsuit file by Dominion and Smartmatic, another technology company that filed a similar lawsuit against Fox News and other Trump allies.

TikTok has Officially Rolled Out the “Promote” Ad Tools for Brand and Business Owners

TikTok’ s “Promote” boost-like feature is finally available to everyone after undergoing a few months of beta testing by several selected business accounts. The “Promote” option is largely similar to Facebook’s Boost button, which gives brands and businesses the ability to augment posts with adverts.

In line with the rollout, the TikTok platform released an update of the overview in the “TikTok for Business” section. It states that the “Promote” feature gives brands and businesses the option to add their advertisements on any TikTok video or to upload their own video adverts, as means to increase and build their audience.

Although this option initially came out free during beta testing, the self-service advertising tool comes with fees, depending on the type of advertising chosen. Moreover, Promote users will have to work with a TikTok advertising account manager.

Four Types of “Promote” Options

In-Feed Ads are the most economical and are recommended for small and medium-sized businesses looking to advertise at TikTok, as the ads simply appear as native feeds in the “For You” panes of TikTok users.

Brand Takeover is the more intrusive type of advertisement as it immediately appears on the screen as soon as a TikTok app opens: but only for a brief spell before becoming an In-Feed Ad in the “For You” panes. However, TikTok limits the number of Brand Takeover spots available.

Branded Hashtag Challenges These are ad campaigns similar to the hashtag video challenges popular among regular users of the TikTok platform. Since the creative hashtag challenges are paid for, the challenge will include shoppable components related to brand retailers.

Branded Augmented Reality/3D Effects Videos – These are usually content with 3D Effects or Augmented Reality video content that appear in the platform’s more creative segments like stickers, branded lenses and other similar spaces.

Change Of Timetable | Several Changes Have Been Made To Regular Services

The Verkehrsverbund Süd-Niedersachsen VSN will inform you about the timetable change on September 2, 2021. In addition to numerous changes in the existing regular service in the area of ​​the Verkehrsverbund Süd-Niedersachsen (VSN), the increased traffic between Göttingen and Bovenden and Göttingen and Rosdorf, which many passengers demand, will be implemented on September 2nd. The city bus route 34, which runs between Bovenden and downtown Göttingen, has been specially set up for this purpose. The buses of the new line 34 between Bovenden and the city center (center) will run at a more frequent frequency from September 2nd, as will lines 61 and 62 to Rosdorf (from Hetjershausen: line 61, from Groß Ellershausen: line 62). Similar to today’s S62, the number 34 buses do not go to all stops in the city. To Rosdorf, the city bus routes 61 from Groß Ellershausen and 62 from Hetjershausen via the train station in Göttingen run more frequently. Due to the realignment of the GöVB lines on the Göttingen – Rosdorf section, the timetable for line 130 will be adjusted accordingly in both directions, which will also result in changes to lines 131 and 134.

Changes on lines 180 and 185

According to VSN, there are significant changes and improvements on lines 180 and 185. In the afternoon and in the evening, the offer will be expanded so that in conjunction with the new GöVB line 34 to Bovenden, every quarter of an hour is reached. During the rest of the day, there is usually a trip from/to Bovenden three times an hour, also in combination with the GöVB traffic. The Duderstadt Ebertring stop in the direction of Duderstadt ZOB will be set up for lines 161 and 163, while the Waake Burgstrasse stops on line 170 will be set up in the direction of Duderstadt. There is also an extensive adaptation of the timetables in the Kalefeld area.

Osterode to Gittelde

On line 261 between Wiershausen and Bad Gandersheim, there is a more concentrated service. Line 262 will be extended to Echte. On line 463, a new service concept will expand the route from Osterode – Förste – Eisdorf – Badenhausen – Gittelde with a simultaneous connection to the regional railways at Gittelde station.

Lonau serves a new line

The place Lonau will in the future be served by the new line 452 Herzberg Bahnhof – Herzberg Hospital – Lonau. Line 459 will no longer be available when the timetable changes. “All other changes are mostly a matter of minimal adjustments to the journey times,” said the Verkehrsverbund Süd-Niedersachsen. Due to various full closures in the Adelebsen area, Wesertal, and the district road between Volpriehausen and Schlarpe, lines 110, 112, 115, 211, and 212 operate according to construction site timetables until further notice. There may be deviations. Due to the construction-related full closure of Landesstraße 567 in the area between Ludolfshausen, Lichtenhagen, and Ischenrode, a construction site timetable will apply on line 141 from 02.09.2021. The service from Ischenrode by line 141 will no longer be available on August 30th and 31st and September 1st due to construction reasons. For the time being, the night buses in regional traffic will not run either, with the exception of lines 180 and 210. There will be further timetable changes in regional traffic from September 2nd on numerous routes. The new timetables are now available at db fahrplanauskunft.

Harvard Public Health Experts Develop Tool for Real-Time Monitoring of Infectious Diseases

Recently, scientists at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health developed a way to monitor epidemics by calculating real-time estimates of the epidemic’s growth rate. The method evaluates the viral load of a disease, which pertains to the rate of increase or decrease of infection cases in relation to the quantity of viruses found in an individual’s body.

The research and development study was led by Michael Mina, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Harvard. Professor Mina also works as a core constituent of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics. According to the epidemiology professor, this latest method can give a new metric that policy makers, epidemiologists, and health officials can use to obtain real-time updates about an epidemic. Especially since scientists link knowledge of how the virus grows in a person’s body to the rate by which the virus spreads.

This new method will be extremely helpful in determining the effectiveness of basic interventions like social distancing and wearing of protective masks. The new tool can also help identify which geographical areas need more attention. That way, public health officials can immediately distribute extra medical resources in order to arrest the increase of infection cases.

Current Monitoring Methods are Reactive Responses to Epidemic Outbreaks

Monitoring epidemics today currently involves following hospitalization rates, testing of positivity rates, and mortality rates. This current method has limitations because data collection can be affected by poor reporting systems. More often than not, poor systems provide inaccurate and misleading information, which can greatly impact the delivery of public health responses.

As it was in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, those who tested positive already had higher viral loads that have already spread widely before they were tested.

When cases of the virus increase, those who are positive will be infected and have higher viral loads by the time they are tested, which is why outbreaks fluctuate exponentially. Testing could take place when the virus has already reached its peak amount in the body, and tends to lessen gradually after the infection.

This new mathematical tool created by the researchers at Harvard Chan school can track pandemic hotspots better than the current method. In their study, their findings show that the method can help estimate the decay or growth rate of the outbreak in a particular population in a specific location.

How to Start with Link Building

Link building is among the most essential variables of search engine optimization or SEO. If you would like to keep ahead of the contest, you have to employ result-driven link construction methods that will bring you better connections than others. Thus, have a look below at a few of those powerful link building strategies which you could look at using.

You merely have to steer clear of partnering with specialist link builders that use use commenting applications. Additionally, you shouldn’t try too difficult to drive in key words on your comment. Or, you can always check out link building services like from Outreachmonks ( ).

Internal linking is among the simplest of link building strategies. This is because the place of this connection is inside your site which supplies with free reign to control the hyperlinks to the search engine crawlers. When done properly, internal linking helps search engine spiders in locating new content on your site. What’s more, it makes it a lot easier for your customers to browse your site and immediately discover the information they are searching for. The ideal spot to insert internal hyperlinks is inside of the article, but be sure not to cluster them in the conclusion of your articles.

Social networking links are nofollowed, meaning in regards to building page ranking, they’re practically useless. But when using social networking, building page ranking isn’t the motive. The principal objective is to your hyperlinks to catch the interest of the folks in different social networks. With this hyperlink constructing strategy, you can anticipate getting links from out the societal networks, through the individuals that are inside them.

Guest blogging is still the easiest and effective of link building methods. They’re also the hottest. However, guest blogging has shifted through recent years. For your site to be printed on a top authority site, you have to be certain the site is purposeful, relevant and provides value to the viewers. You will need to thoroughly navigate the world wide web to locate sites in your market that take guest site entries. As an alternative, you might even locate and ask an influencer to be a guest blogger to your blog section. Having an influential individual blogging on your site, hyperlinks will follow quite naturally.

The above-mentioned approaches are generalised rather than specific to any 1 industry. If you’d like a more tailored solution to your small business, it’s strongly encouraged that you reach out into some link construction service with expertise.

ABC Interviews with Leaders, Broaden Rift betwèen Biden and Putin

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, who after interviewing Russian President Putin, described the leader as a “killer,” jad later asked on air if Pres. Biden agrees. As the latter answered in the affirmative, Russian President Vladimir Putin shot back by saying that “It takes one to know one.”.

A short while after Biden’s comment was aired on national television, the Russian government immediately gave orders to the Russian ambassador in Washington, DC to return home; whilst citing that President Biden’s view of Putin as a killer, created irreparable spoliation of any diplomatic ties between the U.S. and Russia.

Pres. Biden was unperturbed by the action as he also said the Russian leader will “pay a price” for meddling in the recent US presidential election. Apparently, the US president’s threat was in response to intelligence reports on how Russia attempted to boost former President Donald Trump’s reelection bid by further sowing divisiveness among Americans.

Pres. Biden revealed that during the long talk via a phone conversation he had with the Russian president last January 26, he had already warned Putin, presumably in relation to the interference.

White House Press Secretary Stood By Biden’s Putin  Remarks

When a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Jan Psaki if Biden regretted his comment about Putin, she answered that the President had merely responded with a direct answer to a direct question. Moreover, Psaki stated that the current administration will be taking a different method in handling the country’s relationship with Russia by being straightforward and direct in addressing concerns.

The White House Press Secretary made it clear that the Biden administration will not use the same approach used by the previous administration, which obviously referred to Trump’s seeming affinity to the Russian President in light of his Trump Organization’s business deals in Russia.

WhatsApp Users Migrate to Signal and Telegram in Defiance of Data Sharing Policy

WhatsApp is currently facing massive loss in number of users after trying to enforce Facebook’s data-sharing policy in using the WhatsApp messaging platform. Previous notifications warned users that the new term will take effect February 08, 2021, those who fail to signify their agreement after that date, will find their WhatsApp account deleted.

Since the data that WhatsApp will share to its parent company Facebook, include include not only personal data but nearly everything; from browser, to connection information, signal strength, app version, battery level, identifiers, timezone, and language, Millions of WhatsApp users decided to abandon their account by migrating to WhatsApp rivals Signal and Telegram.

Actually, WhatsApp has been sharing personal information of their users with FB since 2016 but not properly supported by an opt-out option.

Facebook is currently facing antitrust lawsuits for practicing unfair competition and having access to personal information of nearly all social media users. WhatsApp users are now completely aware that they do not have to agree to the new policy, since other messaging apps even provide end-to-end security features that keep messages hidden. The only reason that is holding most app users from migrating is that most of their contact are using the WhatsApp messaging app.

Crowd’s Response Boosts Growth in Signal and Telegram Apps

Since many are finding most of their WhatsApp contacts migrating to other messaging platforms, more users have since followed suit.

Close competitors Signal and Telegram have in recent week, been seeing an influx of new users downloading their messaging app. Signal reported that as of this date, they have seen an increase of 7.5 million users. Telegram on the other hand, was able to hit the 500 million app-download milestone, as more than 9 million new users are now using the Telegram app.

Getting the Treatment You need at Low-Cost to You

If in need of a drug rehab facility that will not break the bank, then you should look for state-funded facilities. This is perfect for those people who don’t have any insurance or spare to pay for their treatment. As a matter of fact, there are more than 21 million Americans aged 12 and up who seeks treatment for substance abuse back in 2018. However, only 3.7 million were able to receive treatments.

Failing to have health insurance coverage and the inability to pay for the treatments played a significant part for the rest of those people not to receive treatment for their substance abuse. This is the main goal why state-funded drug rehabilitation facilities are established. It is extending its hand among those who can’t circumvent on their financial problem. There are a lot of state-funded drug rehabilitation facilities that are operating via government grants, which allow them to offer treatment at a lower price to those who don’t have insurance coverage.

What’s a State-Funded Drug Rehab Facility?

A state-funded drug rehab facility is an addiction treatment center that receives funding from government sources. Federal government is granting these facilities for state funds, substance abuse treatment as well as reimbursement via government health programs similar to Medicaid. Though, state and federal sources can also be used in supplementing the funding of treatment.

The funding sources as well as the amounts disbursed is going to vary per state. As a matter of fact, this funding makes low-cost or free drug rehab treatment accessible even to those who can’t afford it.

Few of the state funding facilities is actually earmarked for those who are court-ordered to the treatment of substance abuse. Not everyone is required to undergo the treatment has the insurance policy and many can’t afford for the duration of the treatment. Both Medicaid and Medicare are state and government funded health insurance programs that may be used for the treatment of substance abuse.

Backed by the Government

In relation to Medicare, this is a health insurance program that is accessible to Americans who are over 65 and up no matter what their income bracket is and also, people who are disabled, on dialysis or under 65 years old. Medicaid on the other hand is also a health insurance program offered to low-income individuals. As for eligibility requirements, it is going to vary based on the state. Because of the relationship of these healthcare programs with the government and state, most of the state-funded drug rehab facilities are accepting Medicaid and Medicare. Many facilities even buy Instagram likes to help suspecting individuals find them and enrol under their supervision.

Google’s YouTube Shorts App : A Potential Replacement for Tik Tok?

A month ago YouTube developers launched a video app called YouTube Shorts in India, which works in the same way as the globally popular social app Tiktok.

Anytime soon, Tik Tok will shut down as the ban took effect last September 20 but was extended since negotiations between TikTok owner ByteDance and potential buyer Oracle, is still ongoing. In the meantime, as Tik Tok’s American fans are awaiting Tik Tok’s fate in the U.S. they are actively searching for a viable replacement for the short-video music sharing app.

Google’s video sharing platform YouTube lost no time in coming out with an announcement last month that they have launched an early beta version of YouTube Shorts in India. Like Tik Tok, the YouTube Shorts features can serve as handy tools for creators and artists to use when shooting short videos using their smartphones.

YouTube says that initially, only a handful of the app has been released for testing in India, as they still need feedback from creators and users in building and improving YouTube Shorts. Apparently, more beta versions of the app are being released to the global community of app users, as the developers continue with their mission to improve YouTube Shorts before the app is globally released in the coming months ahead.

YouTube is expecting for a community to grow, revolving around creators who started producing content with Shorts.

What is YoutTube Shorts?

YouTube Shorts is an app that allows users to shoot and edit 15-second long video clips with high-quality content using their smartphone. The app’s features mainly focus on providing a tool for recording, for watching and potentially, a way to be discovered as a creative talent or performer.

How Does YouTube Shorts App Work?

The YouTube Shorts beta version released in India comes with a multi-segment camera that allows creators to compound numerous videos together; plus an option to incorporate music by choosing from the app’s wide selection of songs. Users can also change the video’s speed in the way they see fit, as well as use a timer that enables shooting videos hands-free.

Navigating through the different Shorts features can be accomplished in a short amount of time because app users can do so with mere vertical swipes. Also, YouTube developers want to make it easier for people to discover creations and content of other Shorts creators, in ways that even those with little spare time can watch and be entertained in just a matter of seconds

As with all early versions, more features will be added, which is why feedback will be highly appreciated by Shorts developers.

Over 500 Companies Pulled Out FB Adverts in Response to StopHateForProfit

The boycott launched by Facebook employees to protest Zuckerberg’s inaction on Trump’s ads and posts that fuel violence and racism, has escalated.

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement and continuing calls to quell racism,a number of civil rights group have banded together and organized the StopHateForProfit. The goal is to pressure Facebook and CEO Mark Zuckerberg to institute policies that ban and automatically block hate messages and fake news. .

The StopHateForProfit group sought the support of big companies, many of which were already considering slashing down on advertising costs. The request was not hard to grant since that would also mean positive publicity for their brands. Instead of announcing budget cuts, they will be making a political statement in support of calls for social and political reforms.

Zuckerberg Buckled Down While More Companies Continue to Remove Ads

At first, only 300 companies committed to withdrawing their ad on Facebook, and the number has now reached more than 500. Although Zuckerberg had buckled down through a response posted in his Facebook account, billions in dollars of advertising revenues had already been withdrawn.


Facebook employees had said before that the FB CEO had vowed not to support ads and posts that incite violence, and those that suppress voting, regardless of from who or were they came from. Yet Zuckerberg’s principles bended when the hate messages came from Trump. This time, as a show of sincerity to his commitment, he approved the taking down of accounts found linked to the so-called “boogaloo movement”, one of which organized the killing of a California police officer last May.

Some of the companies who immediately gave support to the StopHateForProfit movement include Microsoft Corp,Verizon Communications Inc, Starbucks Corp, Ford Motor Co., Coca-Cola Co, PepsiCo Inc, and multinational companies like Unilever US, US:F, US:SBUX,. US:KO, US:MSFT,. US:PEP, US:VZ, SAP US and UL, which is just to name a few.

Valorant Beta Players Share Insights on Best Weapons

Players currently playing Riot Games’ recently released beta of Valorant, have shared insights about the best weapons to recommend for beginners.

That can be regarded as a helpful gesture because anyone who has been following Valorant news and viewing Twitch-shared videos, knows by now that the  video game comes with a high level of difficulty. Many of those who have so far reached the competitive levels say that in order to be effective, beginners must choose and use weapons smartly.

That being said, many gamers who are currently testing the Valorant beta version before Riot Games officially launches Valorant sometime in June 2020 or anytime during the summer of this year, have shared insights on the “Top Five (5) Weapon Loadouts Recommended for Beginners.”

Top Five Weapon Loadouts Recommended for Valorant Beginners

There are actually a total of seventeen bullet-firing weapons available as choices found across six categories.

The recommended five best weapons for Valorant beginners do not necessarily appear in an order based on capabilities to produce the most damaging shots. After all, at the end of every match, what matters is the player’s ability to skillfully use the weapon of their choice.


The Spectre is one of the best solid weapons for beginners to use, being a submachine gun with a fast fire-rate for economy rounds that can easily tear down an enemy’s health at close quarters, Beginners who have experience in playing first-person shooting games and intending to migrate to Valorant, will have an easy time getting into the groove of the game with this weapon.



Valorant startups using this power-packed 6-shot handgun but still perfecting skills when aiming to fire at an armored enemy’s head, can still place a few body shots that can make the most health damage. The Sheriff is probably the best in the pistol category because it provides newbies with an incredibly short kill-time. Its impact on an enemy’s body can create enough damage that will give the Sheriff shooter the opportunity to fire a well-aimed bullet in the head.


The Operator or OP is a sniper rifle preferred by many Valorant beta gamers because a single hit can deliver 150 damage to the body and 255 damage to the head. As a sniper weapon, the OP is the best choice because of its high wall-penetration power.


Vandal is Valorant’s AK-47 version, which performs in ways similar to the assault rifle. Although not many will agree that this is one of the best weapons in the Valorant armory, because it does not have the highest fire rate in its category, the Vandal boasts of producing high stats of 156 head damage and 39 body damage with every shot that lands on an enemy.


The Phantom poses as Valorant’s edition of the M4A1, and is also a top pick because of its damage-causing ability. The Phantom is second best only to the Vandal, even if having a damage impact of 140 to the head, and 35 to the body. The stats tend to lower, if a Phantom shooter is farther than 15 to 30 meters away from the enemy target. Still another reason why this weapon is a top favorite is its silencer feature.

We all know by now that in order to enter the competition level, Valorant players have to play at least 20 matches regardless of whether a player wins or loses in each match. The important thing for Valorant beginners to do is make the most use of those 20 games by sharpening their shooting and aiming skills. Those open to valorant elo boosting as a technique while still in the early stages of competition, turn to boosting because they feel they still need to learn more on how to best use the abilities of their weapons.

Instagram Steps Up w/ Covid-19 News Feeds

Instagram, steps up messaging features by disseminating meaningful newsfeeds on Covid-19 outbreak, to ensure timely delivery of information to users.

Critical information regarding the state of the coronavirus pandemic now appears at the top of Instagram’s news notifications. Although the action may seem insignificant, the aggressive sharing of useful and socially responsible information will prove useful in helping prevent the spread of the Covid-19 throughout the globe.

The related Instagram announcement states:

“To help people get relevant and up-to-date resources, we will start showing more information from WHO and local health ministries at the top of Instagram’s Feed in some countries.”

Ban on Covid-19 Posts with AR Filters and Stories w/ Misleading Content

Instagram as a widely used social media platform has also taken serious actions by culling content pertaining to the pandemic. Only those developed in collaboration with recognized health organizations will be given importance.

The site’s search tool will no longer make it easy for searchers to access Covid-19 posts created with augmented reality (AR) effects. Such posts are regarded by many as insensitive, as they seemingly make light of the outbreak’s impact; notwithstanding that the global death toll related to the virus has been rising continuously.

Inasmuch as some Instagram Stories also contain misleading information that only heighten anxiety over the global problem, Instagram’s actions include making its search tool unresponsive to searches for stories that convey claims about treatments, cure or methods of combatting the novel corona virus.

Latest Footwear Style You Shouldn’t Missed

It doesn’t matter if you stand out, what really matter is that you stand tall.

Shoes, boots, sandals, and sneakers. All these kinds of footwear are loved by most individuals especially by women similar with handbags that are precious as gold. It doesn’t matter if it is a Slip On Boots or not, what’s important is they are comfortable wearing it and are confident to flaunt it.

Trending Footwear Style

Written below is a list of the latest footwear style available in the market. Check out on it and walk with confidence and a feeling of being famous.

Trending Footwear 1: Classical Design Sneakers

Wearing classic sneakers can help you to invigorate your wardrobe. The smooth leather and a low-profile sleek are amenable to give a new twist for a new look.

Trending Footwear 2: Moto and Combat Boots Expression

A pair of moto and combat boots can help you to express your own unique style. It helps you to distinctly stand yourself from the rest upon wearing this footwear. And because of this exceptionally designed boots, you can generally define your own fashion statement.

Trending Footwear 3: Boots Inspired by the Western Culture

Applicable for a daily wear, boots with some touches of the cowboy culture are generally positioning itself to the top. The rocky look of this footwear is basically credited to its pointed toes and trademark stitching pattern.

Trending Footwear 4: The Sneaker and Boots Combination

A new trend now is coming on its way through the joint forces of a cool sneaker and a rocky boots style. The new sneaker boots combination help you feel comfortable, fabulous, and famous throughout the day.

Trending Footwear 5: The Sneaker with a Chic

The coolness of the sneakers get somehow sophisticated because of the chic and bubbly style of this new footwear trend. It helps someone to make them feel fashionable and fresh while they’re on their casual style.

Trending Footwear 6: The Animal Prints

Exotic prints take a leap higher as it dominates the spot to make someone feel fierce and strong. With printed skin of the leopard, snake, and cheetah it can give that strong feeling of confidence to walk in the wild.

Managing AdWords Account With Scripts

A Pay-per-click (PPC) campaign is an online advertising model utilized by websites to drive traffic to their sites, wherein a publisher is paid by the advertiser when the advertisement is clicked, hence, pay-per-click. PPC is usually connected with first-tier search engines.

A PPC campaign could greatly benefit from scripts and there is a giant collection of Google Ads scripts. But what are scripts?

Scripts – What are they and how do they work?

Scripts are a simple and trouble-free way to utilize automation to control programmatically or give details on your AdWords account through JavaScript.

AdWords Scripts could generate, edit, log or notify basing it on identified criteria. Moreover, basing it on external data points, the opportunity to connect and execute actions is present, meaning it could be functional for bid optimizations. AdWords scripts could make digital marketer’s life easier as well as less taxing and stressful.

Why should advertisers use scripts?

Living in an era where automation as well as machine learning is on the rise, marketers have to consider and learn to make use of scripts. With brand-new creations and developments from Google and Bing, less and less time is consumed on the usual process of optimizations. But, a reduced amount of time doesn’t denote that the accounts have to forgo optimizations or checks for everything to be accomplished. There is no option for optimizations but to be done and accomplished in a more systematized and efficient manner.

MCC Scripts Vs. Account Scripts

MCC are excellent regardless of the size of the company or agency as they take into consideration stress-free management of numerous accounts. Minute agencies could make use of MCC scripts for multiple customers at the same time, while big agencies would utilize these scripts on every single client. MCC scripts are utilized at MCC level while account level scripts are utilized to every individual account. Both have their specific benefits and purpose.

Advantages of MCC Scripts

  • Could easily create changes as well as checks at scale
  • Permit for checks as well as cross-account recording

Advantages of Account Scripts

  • Not every scripts are capable of running at MCC level
  • Permits for diverse optimizations based on diverse accounts objectives

Will Trump’s Social Media Campaign Strategy Still Work in the 2020 Presidential Elections?

If the 2020 voters will still believe what they hear, view and read as news from Trump’s social media campaigners, Donald Trump still has a likely chance of winning the 2020 presidential elections. After all, Trump’s digital media campaign director Brad Parscale had bragged before that the launch of their political campaign via Facebook and Twitter, led the way to Trump’s 2016 victory.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump and his Republican minions continue to make false and ridiculous statements glorifying Trump’s presidency. The brazenness of their pronouncements, even if starkly twisted and lacking in credibility is not new. It was basically how Trump won the 2016 presidential election. Backed by a Facebook account followed by millions of pro-Trumpers, they are banking on the spread of disinformation by way of likes and shares, as a way of confusing undecided voters.

The Truth About Trump’s Social Media Campaigns

In 2018, somebody from Cambridge Analytica opened a can of worms about Trump’s social media strategy..

Christopher Wylie a Canadian data consultant of the data analytics company, showed “The Guardian” documents as proof that they provided the Trump camp with data on about 87 million FB users without authorization. The FB accounts were selected based on personality and psychological makeup that perfectly match the kind of people, whom the Trump team is targeting for their political campaign ads.

There is no telling if the millions of FB and Twitter users, whose accounts were mined for Trump’s political purpose, will still believe the false social media news, as well as Trump’s tweets and posts. Hopefully, some may have realized they were manipulated into believing largely inaccurate news fed to them during the 2016 political campaigns. .

The Social Media Disinformation Campaign Continues but Under Different Conditions

Brad Parscale, the so-called genius behind the success of Trump’s Facebook and Twitter political messaging is still carrying on with the spread of disinformation. He is publicly delivering speeches echoing Trump’s false claims of great achievements, and in refuting the outcomes of the ongoing impeachment hearings.However, he is carrying out the new campaign under harsher conditions.

Inasmuch as not all members of the Republican Party approve of how Trump has performed as POTUS, the Republican National Committee (RNC) said it would no longer buy digital ads from Parscale’s firm.

Mike Reed, spokesman for the RNC announced that in moving forward toward the 2020 presidential election, RNC will now buy digital ads directly from host sites. Reed added

”This is to make sure there is complete transparency, as well as give the press and the Democrats no basis in accusing anyone of impropriety.”

Facebook Messenger Advocates Courtesy in Digital Messaging by Publishing Modern Communication Etiquette

The Facebook Messenger team recently took a survey of over 3,500 digital communicators coming from across the U.S., the UK and Australia. The objective in mind was to establish the ultimate messaging do’s and don’ts when it comes to communicating digitally with courtesy.

After completing the survey, the FB Messenger team collaborated with Debrett’s, an organization recognized as “the authority” on modern etiquette, to develop a first-of-its-kind formal messaging guide captioned as “The Art of Digital Messaging – A Guide to Communication in the Digital Age.”

Survey Results Considered in Formulating the Digital Messaging Guidelines

The results of the survey provided the groundwork on which to formulate the first formal guides on etiquette for digital messaging. That way, navigation of messages, even if sent by way of brief texts and quick chats, will still reflect courtesy and mindful thoughts.

Based on the results of the survey, the FB team found out that people from across the world:

  • React differently to messages that come with sarcastic tones. Where 31% of the surveyed Britons say they ignore sarcastic tones by keeping a stiff upper lip, Americans are more likely to react by asking for clarification in order to tackle issues head on.
  • Consider a 5-word content as the average length of a message. To which 37% of respondents from across the globe think it is bad etiquette to over-reply; such as sending 10 or more replies to every single thread of conversation.
  • Forwarding a text message or sharing a friend’s photo to someone else is deemed as a classic example of a bad etiquette.
  • Prefer to be in a chat group composed of less than 6 people.
  • Generally find it frustrating when no one replies or reacts to a question or a shared info; or when someone introduces a private info to the group
  • Claim they have been ghosted, while some dmitted that they themselves have ghosted,
  • Make it a point to sign off on every conversation, a practice common nearly half of global respondents whose ages range between 45 and 64. On the other hand, only a third of the millenials between ages 18 and 24 consider it necessary to sign off from a conversation.

Brief Summary of Etiquette Guides Formulated by FB and Debrette’s

  1. Hone message tones by not using words that evoke sarcasm and/or irony.
  2. Keep a message brief but concise; avoid going into lengthy compositions as they tend to overwhelm.
  3. Do not send multiple messages to a single conversation thread of a group chat.
  4. Ask permission first when sharing a photo or information sent by a friend, giving careful thought that a friend shared it with confidentiality in mind.
  5. Prior to joining a group chat, make it a point to know the other GC members in order to avoid sending or sharing indiscrete or offensive messages.
  6. Do not allow a group chat message to hang without a response, in case a question, an important event or a concern was raised or mentioned.
  7. Bugging friends or people you do not know very well, for quick replies is bad etiquette. Wait for at least a day before following up on a response to your message.
  8. Rather than ghost someone, give him or her a call or meet up personally to offer an explanation on why you are cutting off communication ties.
  9. If a flood of photos or updates are starting to annoy you, make a courteous and graceful exit in order to be excluded as recipient.
  10. Practice good etiquette by signing off on every conversation.

Drinking up to 3 Cups of Coffee per Day is Okay for People with Healthy Lifestyles

Recently at the British Cardiovascular Society Conference, a presentation of studies conducted by researchers from Queen Mary University of London indicated that daily consumption of coffee will not necessarily increase the stiffness of artery blood vessels. Stiffening arteries is a condition that causes stress on the heart, which can lead to greater risks for strokes and heart attacks.

However, the study eliminated factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as considering the blood pressure, diet, age, weight, height, gender and ethnicity of test subjects.

According to Kenneth Fung, lead analyst of the data studied, their goal was not to determine whether coffee drinking that is net of other influencing factors, is a healthy or an unhealthy habit. Their study only helped unravel one cardiovascular worry associated with coffee consumption, which is that of proving that regular doses of caffeine does not hurt arteries.

Metin Avkiran, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, which funded in part the study, explained in a press release that their main message is for people to know that coffee as part of a healthy lifestyle, can be enjoyed to the fullest; since it appears from the results that caffeine does not cause stiffening of the blood vessels.

In the interview with Amy Woodyatt of CNN, Mr. Avkiran remarked that

“Hopefully, this research which rules out a potential detrimental effect of coffee on arteries, will put in perspective some of the media reports.”

How the Study on Coffee was Conducted by the Researchers

In looking into the effects of coffee consumption on artery health, researchers from Queen Mary University of London examined the coffee consumption patterns of more than 8,412 people who were categorized into three groups.

  • One group consists of those who drank less than one cup of coffee per day.
  • Another group consists of those who drank one to three cups of coffee per day.
  • Those who consumed 4 to 25 cups each day went to the group that was eliminated, since it was likely that they would be too jittery to undergo further examinations.

Examinations included MRI scans of the participants’ heart and taking infrared pulse wave tests to examine arterial stiffness. Basing their report on the results of data analysis related to the examinations, the researchers found out that coffee consumption did not appear to adversely affect artery health.

While their study indicated that drinking one up to three cups of coffee per day does not promote hardening of the arteries, the researchers cannot go as far as saying that drinking 25 cups per day can be beneficial. Still, data analyst Kenneth Fung said it would be of interest to analyze the artery health of the heavy coffee drinkers, for purposes of establishing an upper limit on coffee consumption.

Fueled by Caffeine: It’s Benefits and Drawbacks.

Now a days, people can’t function optimally without a cup of caffeine to start their day. Making the analogy, gasoline is to cars, as caffeine is to people—a perfect statement to describe the importance of caffeine. Below are some of the benefits and disadvantages of adding caffeine to your diet.

Caffeine: Beneficial or Harmful?

Caffeine is widely known for its ability to reduce fatigue, increase performance, elevate drowsiness, and improve alertness and focus.

Several academic studies suggest that caffeine has the ability to help elevate one’s mood and help prevent illnesses such as several cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and Parkinson’s disease to name a few. [1]

Although caffeine proves to be an effective drug with several short term and long-term benefits, its disadvantages are rarely talked about. The drawbacks brought by caffeine are usually only experienced for a couple of days and aren’t as harmful as other psychoactive drugs such as nicotine and cocaine[2]. However, it is still better to consider and be aware of how your cup of caffeine affects your body.

When the body constantly ingests caffeine at excessive amounts, it causes the brain to develop more of the receptors that cause drowsiness and reduces the stimulants that occur naturally in the body, making you reliant on caffeine. [3]

Other disadvantageous effects of the excessive intake of caffeine range from: insomnia, dehydration brought about by increased urination due to caffeine, to caffeine dependency and withdrawal – with symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, depression and difficulty in concentrating.[4]

Everything in Moderation: Drink up! a cup or two won’t hurt.  

Your daily dose of caffeine may be beneficial to your daily performance but take heed when drinking beyond the prescribed consumption rate per day. Removing the harmful effects of caffeine from the body isn’t as fast as removing chemicals off a coffee maker – How to descale a Keurig? Easily done, how to rid the body of built-up stimulants? Now, that takes some time. So, drink up! But remember to do so in moderation.

Moderate amounts of caffeine prove to be beneficial but remember that even medicine when taken in excess can be poison.

More about coffee: Getting to know the beans in your cup.

Caffeine intake differs per person, how much is yours?


[1] Whiteman H. (2015). Caffeine how does it affect our health?

Retrieved from:

[2] Department of Chemistry, the University of Kansas (n.d.) Caffeine: the chemistry behind the world’s most popular drug, pp. 5. Retrieved from:

[3] Department of Chemistry, the University of Kansas (n.d.) Caffeine: the chemistry behind the world’s most popular drug, pp. 5

[4] Department of Chemistry, the University of Kansas (n.d.) Caffeine: the chemistry behind the world’s most popular drug, pp. 6

Linwood Kansas Mayor Says Tornado Randomly Picked Houses to Destroy

The massive tornado being tracked by the National Weather Service (NWS) landed its 13th consecutive touchdown in Kansas City at around 6:15 p.m. Wednesday May 29, 2019. Prior to the touchdown, the National Weather Service sent out a warning that the Kansas bound twister had an EF4 rating based on the Enhanced Fujita scale and was about to hit the area.

The NWS described the tornado as a notch below the ranking of the most powerful tornadoes ever to land. The tornado was a menacing funnel of cloud that carried peak winds of 170 miles per hour. During the past 12 days, the massive twister had cut a nearly 32-mile long stretch of destruction, the longest to have occurred since 1980.

The powerful and massive EF-4 tornado hit south of Lawrence, Kansas and caused heavy damage, which prompted the NWS to declare Kansas City under a “state of tornado emergency.”

Linwood Mayor Describes the Tornado’s Uncanny Behavior

Eighteen people were injured, with no fatalities reported. The Kansas City International Airport had to shut down temporarily in light of the massive debris picked up and carried by the vortex by as far as 40 miles,

Mayor of Linwood Brian Christenson, said that multiple residents, numbering nearly 400 people living in the suburbian part of Lawrence, Kansas had lost homes. Still, he was thankful that everyone was accounted for and that no one was killed.

Recounting the harrowing experience, Mayor Christenson said he has never seen a tornado as powerful as the one that hit them last Wednesday. He went on to describe the tornado’s passing saying

“It just picked one house randomly and took it away, while the next house might not even get damaged. The manner by which it moved and picked houses was incredible.”

Lawrence, home to the University of Kansas, was left reeling by the massive tornado; leaving behind debris, power lines and large trees along streets, making some major thoroughfares totally impassable.

Two vans belonging to the storm chasing tour operator Silver Lining Tours overturned as the tornado cut a path to south of Lawrence. The incident resulted in minor injuries among the van passengers.

How Injury Attorneys Navigate News Narratives for a Fair Legal Landscape

A person's hand being wrapped in bandages

In the dynamic realm of news media, the influence of an injury attorney extends far beyond the courtroom. These legal professionals play a pivotal role in shaping narratives around personal injury cases, ensuring that their clients’ stories are not only accurately portrayed but also resonate empathetically with the public. As we delve into the intricacies of this relationship, we uncover the multifaceted strategies employed by injury attorneys to navigate and influence news narratives.

At the heart of their approach lies the art of effective storytelling. Injury attorneys understand that the legal complexities surrounding personal injury cases can often distance the public from the human experiences at their core. To bridge this gap, attorneys adeptly weave narratives that humanize their clients, placing real faces and relatable stories front and center. By presenting the human side of legal battles, they make the intricacies of the law accessible and compelling to a broader audience.

Strategic media engagement is another cornerstone of their narrative-shaping efforts. Injury attorneys recognize that proactive collaboration with media outlets is essential. By providing timely and accurate information about ongoing cases, attorneys guide the narrative from the outset. This direct engagement ensures that the media receives information directly from the source, minimizing the risk of misinterpretation or skewed perspectives. It’s a symbiotic relationship where legal professionals and media outlets work together to present a comprehensive and accurate account of events.


ALSO READ: The Role of Photojournalism in Portraying Nigerian Army Recruitment


In the digital age, social media has emerged as a powerful tool for shaping public opinion. Injury attorneys leverage platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn not only to disseminate updates about ongoing cases but also to engage directly with the public. Through these channels, attorneys can debunk misinformation, provide valuable insights into the complexities of personal injury law, and foster a sense of transparency. The interactive nature of social media allows attorneys to address concerns, answer questions, and contribute to a more informed public discourse.

Beyond individual cases, injury attorneys often contribute expert opinions on legal matters, adding depth and context to news stories related to personal injury law. This goes beyond mere representation; it positions attorneys as authoritative figures contributing meaningfully to the broader legal discourse. Their insights not only enhance public understanding but also foster a sense of trust, both with the media and the wider community.

In conclusion, the relationship between injury attorneys and news media goes beyond legal proceedings. It is a nuanced interplay where legal professionals utilize storytelling, media engagement, and social media presence to shape narratives that reflect the human experiences behind personal injury cases. By doing so, injury attorneys contribute significantly to creating a fair and empathetic legal landscape.

Media News: A Catalyst for Promoting Private Messaging Platforms

Media News Private Message

In an age where information travels at the speed of light, the role of media news in shaping the digital landscape cannot be overstated. From traditional newspapers and television to the ever-evolving online news outlets and social media, news sources play a pivotal role in driving change and influencing trends. One of the domains where media news has made a significant impact is in the promotion of private messaging platforms.

As technology continues to advance, communication methods evolve, and private messaging apps have gained widespread popularity. Platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, and Facebook Messenger have revolutionized the way we connect with others, offering secure, convenient, and instantaneous communication. This surge in private messaging usage is partly attributed to the active promotion and coverage these apps receive in the media.

  1. Awareness and Visibility: Private messaging apps gain immense visibility through media coverage. Whether it’s a major feature on a popular news website, a segment on a news program, or a review in a tech magazine, media exposure draws attention to these platforms. It informs the public about their existence and benefits, which, in turn, sparks curiosity and interest.
  2. Endorsement and Reviews: Media outlets often provide in-depth reviews and endorsements of private messaging apps. These assessments help users make informed choices by highlighting the features, security measures, and user-friendliness of these platforms. Positive reviews can significantly boost the reputation and credibility of messaging apps.
  3. Privacy and Security Concerns: The media plays a crucial role in addressing privacy and security concerns related to messaging apps. It frequently reports on data breaches, privacy policies, and encryption standards. These discussions push companies to improve their security measures and enhance user privacy, further promoting the use of private messaging apps.
  4. Comparative Analysis: Media often conducts comparative analyses between different messaging platforms. These assessments help users decide which app aligns best with their needs and preferences. Such analyses promote healthy competition among messaging app providers, leading to innovation and improvements in their services.
  5. Feature Spotlights: Media outlets frequently highlight new features and updates in private messaging apps. This information keeps users informed about the latest enhancements, encouraging them to explore and utilize these features, ultimately driving app usage.
  6. Case Studies and Success Stories: The media loves to share success stories and case studies related to private messaging apps. When businesses or individuals achieve significant results or benefits using these platforms, it not only promotes the apps but also inspires others to follow suit.
  7. Community Building: Media news also fosters a sense of community among users of private messaging apps. It encourages discussions, the sharing of tips and tricks, and the formation of user communities that provide a platform for users to connect and exchange ideas.
  8. Innovation and Evolution: By reporting on developments in the messaging app industry, the media keeps users informed about emerging trends and the evolving landscape. This information allows users to adapt to the changing environment and make the most of these might also want to read about How Social Media Bolsters Traditional Media

In conclusion, media news serves as a powerful catalyst for promoting private messaging platforms. It creates awareness, offers valuable insights, addresses concerns, and showcases the latest developments. By keeping users informed and engaged, media news continues to drive the growth and innovation of private messaging apps in an increasingly digital world. As the media continues to play its role, the future of private messaging platforms remains exciting and full of potential.

The Role of Photojournalism in Portraying Nigerian Army Recruitment

Nigerian soldier

Photojournalism, as a powerful form of storytelling, plays a pivotal role in shaping public perceptions and understanding of significant events and issues. One such critical subject is the recruitment process of the Nigerian Army.

In a country with a history of security challenges and a strong military presence, documenting the recruitment process through the lens of photojournalism becomes not only essential but also enlightening.

Visual Storytelling Beyond Words

Photojournalism offers a unique lens through which we can view the world. It goes beyond written words and statistics to capture the raw emotions, experiences, and challenges faced by aspiring recruits in Nigeria. These images transcend language barriers and cultural differences, conveying a universal understanding of the human experience.

Bringing Recruitment to Life

Through compelling visuals, photojournalists have the power to bring the Nigerian Army recruitment process to life. They can capture the intensity of physical training, the camaraderie among recruits, and the determination in their eyes. These images not only inform the public but also inspire individuals who may consider joining the military.

Raising Awareness

In a country where recruitment can have a significant impact on the lives of young Nigerians, photojournalism raises awareness about the process’s realities. It sheds light on the challenges faced by recruits, such as rigorous physical training, long hours, and the adjustment to military life. This awareness helps prospective recruits make informed decisions about their future.

Highlighting Diversity and Inclusion

Photojournalism also plays a crucial role in highlighting diversity and inclusion within the Nigerian Army. By capturing images of recruits from various ethnic backgrounds and regions, it showcases the military’s commitment to unity in diversity. These images can challenge stereotypes and promote national cohesion.


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Documenting Transformation

The journey from civilian to soldier is a profound transformation, and photojournalism can document this process vividly. Through a series of images, it can show how recruits evolve physically and mentally. It captures moments of self-discovery, resilience, and personal growth.

Providing a Window to Challenges

Nigeria faces numerous security challenges, and the military plays a crucial role in addressing them. Photojournalism offers a window into the challenges faced by recruits who will become the frontline defenders of their nation. It humanizes their struggles, illustrating the sacrifices they make for the greater good.

Advocacy and Accountability

Photojournalists can also serve as advocates for the welfare of recruits. Their images can draw attention to issues such as inadequate facilities, lack of proper equipment, or insufficient medical care. By highlighting these challenges, they contribute to greater accountability and improvements within the military.


Photojournalism plays a multifaceted role in portraying Nigerian Army recruitment. It provides a visual narrative that informs, inspires, and raises awareness. Through its lens, we gain a deeper understanding of the recruitment process, the individuals involved, and the challenges they face. Photojournalism serves not only as a form of documentation but also as a means of advocacy, accountability, and unity in a nation striving for a better future.

How Social Media Bolsters Traditional Media

Media dynamics have undergone profound transformations. While the emergence of social media platforms initially prompted many to ring the death knell for traditional media, the reality proved more nuanced. Instead of competing, these mediums have found a harmonious, mutually beneficial relationship.

Audience engagement has entered a renaissance. Traditional media outlets, once perceived as one-dimensional broadcasters, have metamorphosed into interactive entities. Through platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, they invite real-time feedback, conduct polls, and host Q&A sessions. Use SMM Panel to reach more audiences. This fosters a dynamic where audiences feel valued, heard, and connected.

The global village is more interconnected than ever. A local incident, once restricted to regional airwaves, can now captivate a global audience. Think about the countless local stories, from acts of kindness to significant socio-political events, that have found worldwide resonance thanks to the ripple effect of social media shares and retweets.

The term “breaking news” has found its true essence in the age of social media. News agencies compete not just with each other but with real-time citizen journalism. Twitter often buzzes with updates long before conventional outlets can structure a complete report, pushing them to become more agile and responsive.

Diverse Content Distribution

Different strokes for different folks, and nowhere is this clearer than in content distribution on social media. A long-form analysis that works for print might be repackaged into infographics for Instagram, sound bites for Twitter, or visual stories for Snapchat. This multi-pronged strategy ensures that content reaches its desired audience in the most consumable format.

Feedback, once relegated to weekly letters or occasional phone-ins, now pours in torrents with every digital publication. This goldmine of insights allows media outlets to refine their approach, make real-time decisions, and even apologize or rectify contentious content promptly.

Collaborative Journalism in the Digital Age

Crowdsourcing is not just a buzzword; it’s a potent journalistic tool. From sourcing eyewitness videos during critical events to tapping into the lived experiences of ordinary people during global occurrences (like the pandemic), traditional media now has a wealth of grassroots information at its fingertips.

Financial sustainability is the bedrock of any media house. With traditional advertising revenues dwindling, social media has thrown a lifeline. Sponsored content, influencer collaborations, and platform-specific ad revenues (like YouTube’s AdSense) have paved the way for financial resilience.

Credibility is the cornerstone of journalism. With the watchful eyes of netizens, any slip-up, bias, or inaccuracy gets instantly spotlighted. This has ushered an era where media outlets are more meticulous, transparent, and accountable, strengthening trust with their audience.

Cross-promotion across Media Platforms

Convergence is the keyword. A teaser on a TV show about an upcoming exclusive interview can be supplemented with behind-the-scenes glimpses on Instagram, further discussions on Facebook, and polls on Twitter. This interconnected web ensures audiences are constantly engaged and invested.

Traditional forms are rediscovering themselves. Radio’s essence, for instance, thrives in podcasts. As platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts gain traction, often, the content finds its way back onto radio waves or TV segments, weaving the old with the new.

Niche communities, from true crime aficionados to climate change activists, find solace in dedicated spaces on platforms like Reddit or Facebook. Traditional media, by fostering these spaces, can offer tailored content, ensuring deeper engagement and loyalty.

Social media and traditional media are not adversaries but partners. With each fortifying the other, they promise a future that’s integrated, vibrant, and endlessly dynamic.

How to Stay Safe when Downloading Games Online?

As more and more gamers move away from physical media and toward digital downloads, it is essential to remain aware of the potential risks associated with downloading games online. There are many benefits to downloading games. Some of these include convenience, cost savings, and access to a wide variety of titles, it is important to exercise caution when downloading games from the internet. 

Benefits of Downloading Games Online

One of the biggest benefits associated with downloading games online is the convenience. Instead of having to leave the house and drive to the nearest store to purchase a game, gamers can access a vast selection of titles from their home computer. 

Another big benefit of downloading games online is the cost savings. Since many games are available for download at a fraction of the cost of their physical counterparts, gamers can save money by purchasing digital versions of titles. 

Additionally, gamers can often gain access to games earlier when they download them online as opposed to purchasing a physical copy. Another benefit of downloading games online is that gamers can gain access to a wide selection of titles. Physical game copies are limited by the type of media they are stored on and the number of copies that are produced. Downloads, however, are not limited by physical constraints. As a result, gamers can very easily access a wide selection of titles online, allowing them to find exactly what they are looking for.

Best Practices for Downloading Games Online

In order to reduce the risks associated with downloading games online, gamers should follow a few best practices. 

First, gamers should avoid unofficial sources. Official game download sites are sanctioned by developers to sell their games. Unofficial sources may be selling illegal copies of the games or malware disguised as legitimate games. Additionally, gamers should understand licensing agreements. By reading the fine print on each game download site, gamers can be sure that they are not violating the intellectual property rights of the game’s developer. 

Next, gamers should keep software updated. It is essential to keep operating systems, antivirus programs, and other software up to date to ensure that they are protected from viruses and other malware.

Chihuahua: Famous Dogs On Social Media

The social networks have spawned numerous stars, many of whom are celebrities of wildlife. There are many users who have decided to turn their pets into the queens of the Internet, posting images of the most curious and original. However, before posting, an expert dog guide for Chihuahua can help you get the best photos of your dog.

Some of the most well-known dogs on the web


It is a dog of the Shiba Inu breed that lives in Japan and already has more than two million followers on its networks. It is very popular, mainly because of its habit of sleeping with a stuffed animal, as well as its adorable appearance. In her photographs, she seems to be smiling all the time, making her one of the public’s favorite celebrity dogs.


Described by many as “the most beautiful dog in the world”. This little Pomeranian owes its fame to its peculiar haircut. Her owner decided to open a Facebook account dedicated to her pet in 2009, and what started as a hoax quickly turned into big business. Today it has a long list of marketing products inspired by it.


This adorable Shih Tzu was found abandoned in Connecticut in 2012 and adopted by MTV producer and director Shirly Braha. Her health was not optimal as she had 14 teeth extracted, she was blind in one eye and the vestibular syndrome she suffers from meant she walked with her head bowed. Fortunately, thanks to the care of his new family, his health improved significantly. He became one of the most loved animals in show business. He currently has around two million followers on his social networks.

dog guide for Chihuahua


A Puli breed, he is the mascot of Mark Zuckerberg and has more than two million followers. It is characterized by long and curly hair, as well as a teddy-like appearance. In addition, the photos that are published on your account are full of charm.


She was adopted by American photographer Theron Humphrey, who often focuses his work on the canine world, in which he also included his new pet in. Maddie excels at balancing on endless surfaces, which she has shown in her photographs via social networks. In addition, it offers valuable snapshots of the trips it makes with its owner around the world.

Chemistry, Bachelor Of Science B S With A Concentration In Chemical Science < Virginia Commonwealth College

The journal presents original analysis articles and rapid communications, covering all areas of chemical sciences. A significant feature is its special issues, introduced out from time to time, dedicated to conference symposia/proceedings in frontier areas of the topic, held not only in India but in addition in different international locations. Journal of Modern Chemical Sciences is an open access journal deliver forth the brand new research, breakthroughs, progress, challenges and methodologies of chemical sciences at one forum from all over the world. At the outset, life bounds with chemical process that explores the magic of chemical science in each living and non residing issues. Despite being excessive threat in analyzing and processing the chemical compounds, chemists with their state-of-the-art skills and experience are striving exhausting to find new functions to develop new materials and chemical processes which are helpful for the mankind.

Strength of correlation between RCA of a given self-discipline in 2000 and the financial progress achieved by the nation in the following years measured as % improve in GDPc in the years following 2000. Spearman correlation coefficients of the comparisons between the relative research effort of a given self-discipline within the year 2000 in a country with its economic progress as % difference in GDP per capita during the years 2000-2005. Relation between the relative research efforts in the numerous disciplines in each country during 2010, and technological and economic growth indicators. Countries with over one hundred publications in 1998 recorded by Scopus and with GDPc information provided by the World Bank had been used for the current evaluation.

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The Economic Complexity Index, as calculated in by Hausmann et al , mirrors some however not all of the patterns of correlation between RCS in scientific publications and GDPc progress within the following 5 years. For example, RCA in physics and materials sciences was positively correlated to each, the economic complexity index achieved 8 years later and the economic growth achieved 5 years later. RCA in chemistry, nonetheless, didn’t correlated considerably with economic complexity capstone proposal example however did correlate positively with economic progress. RCA in pc science, well being, biochemistry and neuroscience, for example, correlated with future financial complexity however not with financial growth. Chemistry is a science, which involves the study of the composition and properties of the matter. The response between totally different chemical substances is called chemical reactions.

One day, nevertheless, in a required chemistry course, Good learned about Marie Curie and was captivated by her scientific achievements. The rest of her fascinating profession, she says, has been a collection of probabilities that she was simply curious and gutsy enough to take. Spans experimental and theoretical/computational research on natural, organometallic, inorganic, crystal development and engineering, and natural process chemistry. Reports on the broad fields of applied chemistry, chemical engineering, and fuels, from industry and academia.

The College of Science helps a culture the place every person feels they belong, regardless of race, shade, faith, spiritual creed, genetic information, sex, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, veteran or disability status. We celebrate the variety of our group, and we search to increase illustration to further excellence. We decide to be a College the place members act with respect, belief, collaboration, and communication, and the place inappropriate behavior is reported and acted on with out concern of retaliation.

Chemistry is the research of matter, from particular person atoms and ions to giant biomolecules. With WolframAlpha, you presumably can discover data about chemical compounds, the reactions they endure, solubility and chemical graph principle. It additionally has information about chemical portions, unit conversion, molarity calculations and stoichiometry.

Engagement of engineering graduate trainee (Four/Three-degree yr courses) and diploma technical and… Our PreMed and PreHealth Advising program presents personalised expertise to COS students pursuing careers in health careers. This comprehensive program consists of utility steering, workshops and shows, course mapping and extra.

The blue frames depict the snapshots of an ab-initio molecular dynamics simulation for a similar system. The interatomic potential power surface of AIMD is derived on the fly from the instantaneous ground-state of the electrons within density practical principle. In DPMD, the PES is represented by a deep-neural community that realized the surface dependence on the nuclear coordinates from ab-initio information using the software program tools developed at CSI. DPMD extends considerably the accessible length and time scales of AIMD with out losing accuracy and/or ability to model cleavage and formation of chemical/physical bonds. When used at the aspect of Feynman path integral strategies, DPMD allows in depth sampling of thermal and nuclear quantum fluctuations for methods in condensed-phase, similar to neat water and water options in the bulk and in contact with material interfaces.

Selectivity of drug delivery, understanding of cellular mechanisms for novel drug discovery and design, and molecular mechanisms contributing to drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are emphasized. This focus space is offered via the Department of Pharmaceutics and Medicinal Chemistry. Workshop Reports The Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division supports experimental, theoretical, and computational research to supply basic understanding of chemical transformations and vitality circulate in techniques related to DOE missions. This information serves as a foundation for the development of new processes for the technology, storage, and use of power and for mitigation of the environmental impacts of power use.

However, regardless of this, we proceed to use our emotions as an excuse for why we’re not as profitable as society expects us to be. Reading this article made me know much more about love within the scientific facet of it. It is nice to know the different factors that have an result on our feelings after we feel love. As it is acknowledged within the article, love is something that we have to formulate.

New research about how cancer-related proteins bind the metal and how they work together with different proteins, opens up potential … Photoelectrodes based mostly on BiVO4 are thought of high candidates for photo voltaic hydrogen manufacturing. But what precisely occurs after they come into contact with water molecules? More examplesChemical Reactions Use WolframAlpha to stability chemical equations, decide response stoichiometry and predict products. When Your partner exhibits oxytocin more than dopamine You know your love is an overripe fruit at this level and make sure You or Your associate will miss that dopamine and can find in once more with others. I’m asking cause I heard a scientist say that your mind can solely love one individual at a time.

For landmark work on the mechanisms and regulation of ribonucleotide reductases, a compelling demonstration of the facility of chemical investigations to resolve problems in biology. For groundbreaking contributions to understanding structure and function of catalysts, helpful in the production of environmentally pleasant plastics and new materials for the benefit of mankind. For founding bio-orthogonal chemistry, and making use of this novel chemistry to install synthetic sugars on the surface of residing cells, enabling the study of their roles in cancer and the immune system. With an unwavering concentrate on our mission, our researchers take an interdisciplinary method to research, advancing their fields of research and producing new knowledge for the advantage of future generations. Argonne’s Chemical Sciences and Engineering division personnel are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the advancement of science and technology.

Tiktok and How it Draws The Teen Audience

TikTok, a social networking platform aimed at teenage mobile phone users, was the world’s second-most downloaded app in 2019. In July 2020, it was the most downloaded app. The phone-only app allows users to record themselves dancing or goofing off to music or spoken-word clips, then edit the footage with various effects. Despite its seeming frivolity, young people have used the platform to convey political messages, arrange political events, and hang out in an online world devoid of grownups.

How does it work?

Each TikTok is a 3 to 60-second video that loops once completed. The video that the user submitted takes up the majority of the screen. The app’s filter and video-distorting effects collection is similar to Instagram filters, but for video. The audio file that goes with the video is described at the bottom of the screen. These “sounds” can be submitted by the user or selected from a library of popular sounds. This library includes professional musician song excerpts and goofy recordings of people talking. 

You swipe up to go to the next TikTok. Swipe right to reveal the account that uploaded the current TikTok. The screen of a smartphone displays thumbnails of video clips.

How it stacks up

When TikTok is compared to other digital media platforms, it becomes clear what distinguishes it. TikTok, like YouTube, is entirely made up of videos. The primary manner of accessing TikTok, like Facebook and Twitter, is via scrolling through a “feed” of short, digestible posts. The default manner of encountering content, like Netflix, is through the recommendation algorithm, not through creating “friend” or “follower” networks. TikTok, like Snapchat and Instagram, can only be made on mobile phones, which favors younger users who are more comfortable with mobile phones than computers.

Storage of information

TikTok is mainly information dense due to the combination of video media and the “feed.” Each TikTok has a lot going on, and there is an endless stream of TikTok. Unlike text, video media functions on two parallel pathways, simultaneously providing explicit and implicit information (social cues such as the TikToker’s attire and haircut or emotional effect from music). The “feed” allows a social media user to sift through numerous bite-sized pieces of content per minute, collecting information far more efficiently than a television broadcast. These tendencies, when combined, make scrolling through the “For You Page” a whirlwind experience, representing a substantial gain in information density.

TikTok alters the costs and rewards of uploading as well. On the expense front, because TikTok is created for smartphones, it is easier for some users and more difficult for others. As a general rule, the more you spend utilizing a technology in your life – and the earlier in your life cycle those years are – the more adept you become at using that technology. TikTok also promotes videos shot in the vertical orientation inherent in smartphones, allowing them to be generated wherever the user goes, anytime they have a spare moment.

In terms of advantages, the emphasis of the recommendation system over “friend” networks ensures that everyone will receive at least a few views, even if it is their first TikTok. Because of the importance of “follower” networks in determining what people view, you might log on to Twitter and tweet hundreds of times before you acquire any “likes.”

TikTok’s “For You Page” alternates between presenting users’ incredibly popular TikTok and TikTok with only a few views, fostering greater equality than traditional social networks. Overall, TikTok provides an online venue for young people who feel abnormally detached from the adult world, one in which they will almost certainly receive some attention.

Familiar sounds, unusual movements

Finally, TikTok’s “sounds” that users blend with their films provide a creative approach to categorizing and exploring a social media network. If you click on the “sound” button at the bottom of a TikTok, you will see all of the other TikTok that use that sound file. The most prominent example is a specific dance routine accompanied by an accompanying “sound.” The audio is the same across this collection of TikTok, but each user offers a unique video of themselves dancing.

TikTok memes can be seen in these dances. On more text- or picture-focused platforms, “memes” consist of a fixed “meme format” that is subsequently remixed by users who change the image or words to create a given “meme.” On TikTok, however, the raw material being remixed is the user’s body as the user executes the meme-associated activity, which I refer to as “embodied memes.”

TikTok’s body is significantly more visible than on other sites. While clever humor is essential on Twitter, TikTok favors conventionally gorgeous or otherwise stunning bodies even more than Instagram. This also implies that the identification categories becoming increasingly crucial in politics play a significant role in TikTok. Embodied memes frequently make fun of the TikToker’s race, gender, attractiveness, or location.

More traditional visual memes can appear nameless or disembodied as they circulate the internet. It’s impossible to separate the individual from the meme on TikTok.

Wearing Proper Kayak Clothing Saves You from Bad Weather

A couple kayaking


As with all outdoor activities, kayaking also depends on the right clothing. Even on a rainy day, paddling can be a lot of fun if you think about what to wear kayaking.

What do I wear for kayaking?

Sturdy shoes as clothing for kayaking

Sturdy shoes give a secure kick and good grip. Boats must be carried at entry and exit points or transfer points. Proper footwear, therefore, gives surefootedness and protects against injuries.

Furthermore, I do not lose my shoes in a capsize and do not injure myself on sharp stones or broken glass in the riverbed. But a good old sneaker can do it all.

Pair of shorts

Shorts or swimwear may well be appropriate when paddling. Keep in mind, however, that you are not only exposed to wind and rain but also, for example, to the sun with its increased reflection on the water.

Waterproof clothing for kayaking

On rainy days, appropriate waterproof clothing should be worn. With dry feet and a warm body, even a trip in the rain is fun and opens up new perspectives on the river landscape.

Headgear as clothing for kayaking

Also, think about headgear. In the rain, but also in intense sunlight, the head is better protected.

Keep in mind that a kayak trip extends over several hours. Those who are not used to being exposed to the weather for hours should take precautions. A day can start sunny and later turn into a thunderstorm or rain.


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What do I take with me for kayaking?

Sunscreen while kayaking

At least sunscreen with a high sun protection factor, especially for children, is recommended here.

However, it is better to wear light, opaque clothing when the sun is shining.

Water in your luggage when kayaking

It is also important that enough liquid (non alcoholic) is drunk during the tour. Pay particular attention to this with children.

So take drinks and maybe even a picnic on board.

How to Improve a News Media Website?

News media websites are facing increasing pressure as audiences continue to fragment. This is especially true for niche news sites that focus on covering a particular topic in depth. No one wants to read the same story from 10 different sources.

But how can you stand out when your competition is so fragmented? If you’re reading this, you are clearly a marketer with a bright future ahead of you.

Keep reading to find out how you can help improve your news media website and drive more traffic through organic search. Keep reading to learn more!

Build an Email Database

One of the best ways to build loyalty and engagement with your readers is to create an email list. These days, many news sites are creating their own email lists to drive more subscribers, generate leads, and improve their overall marketing efforts.

You don’t need to be a large site to generate a respectable number of email subscribers. To build your email list, you’ll want to make sure you are collecting email addresses each time someone signs up to your site.

Produce High-quality Content

News media sites are built on trust and authority. The most important thing you can do is consistently publish high-quality content.

This will help you build trust with your readers and drive more traffic to your site. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can increase the odds of consistently publishing high-quality content.

  • Hire the best writers you can afford – You can only publish quality content if you have quality writers. You can’t build a news media site with a team of interns or volunteers.
  • Stay focused on your niche – It’s tempting to try and cover everything. But the more you try to cover, the less you cover anything well.
  • Be controversial – This is risky. Be controversial in the right way.

Make Your Site Responsive

While you may not be able to control your readers’ devices, you can control your site’s design. This will allow your site to look good on any device. It will also help you avoid the dreaded “mobile unfriendly” label in search.

The Effects of Social Media

Over the past 20 years, information and communication technology has undergone fast transformation, with the introduction of social media being a significant advance, especially among influencers with huge followers.

Change is happening faster now. For instance, social media’s influence has been greatly shaped by the advancement of mobile technology. In terms of overall minutes spent online, mobile devices rule the world. They give everyone access to the ability to connect at any time, from any location, via any device.

1. Social Media’s Effect on Politics

According to a recent Pew Research study, social media is the primary source of political news for roughly one in five American people. The survey also reveals that those who do largely rely on social media for their political news are often less knowledgeable and more likely to come across unverified claims than those who acquire their news from conventional sources.

2. Social Media’s Effect on Society

Facebook is now used by almost a quarter of the world’s population. Nearly 80% of internet users in the United States use this platform. Social networks gain influence as they expand because they depend on human connections.

Each individual with dissenting opinions can now see that others share them due to the internet. And when these people connect with one another on social media, they may do things like make publications, memes, and entire online universes that support their viewpoint before becoming widely accepted.

3. Social Media’s Effect on Business

Due to the popularity of social media, it is uncommon to come across a company that does not use at least one social media platform to connect with its clients and potential clients. Businesses understand how important social media is for connecting with customers and increasing sales.

4. The Social Media Issues

Since social media is a relatively recent technology, it can be challenging to determine its long-term positive and negative effects. Nevertheless, a number of studies have found a direct link between frequent usage of social networking sites and a higher risk of depression, self-harm, anxiety, and loneliness.

Characteristics Of A Fennec Fox

Fennec foxes are one of the few living creatures on the planet that can live for long periods without water. You might mistake it for a Corgi dog with big ears and a small body if you’re not careful!
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Fennec foxes. Learn about the various facts about Fennec, such as what Fennec eats and how it adapts to life in the desert. We will also look into their habitat, breed, and life expectancy. We also end the article with a short list of fun facts about Fennec foxes!
Let’s get started. What does the fennec fox look like? The
Fennec fox is the world’s smallest fox. Their most easily recognized feature is the large ears, which are 4 to 6 inches long. If you are planning to have one as a pet, you should check fennec foxes for sale.

They have light brown fur of sand or straw color, a black nose, and a white muzzle. One of Fennec’s most notable physical features is the thick fur covering the feet’ soles, except for the ears. The fur on their toes protects them from the hot sand burns and overheating that Fennec foxes walk in the desert.
How big and heavy is the Fennec fox? The average fennec fox weighs between 0.60 kg and 1.5 kg. Female fennec foxes are smaller than males and weigh about 1-1.3 kg, while male fennec foxes weigh slightly more about 1.5 kg. Regarding the length and height of the fennec fox, the average size of the fox’s shoulders is about 8 inches, while the head-to-body length ranges from 14 to 16 inches, or 35 to 40 centimeters. The female fennec fox is typically 13 to 15 inches long from head to the body, has a tail length of about 9 inches, and an ear length of about 3.5 inches. Male fennec foxes are generally larger than females, with head-to-body sizes from 15 to 15.5 inches, but stories are about 9.5 inches long, and ears are 3.9 inches long.

Fennec ears

Long ears have long red vertical stripes near the edges and dense fur on the ears to protect the flesh inside the ears. Their ear’s edges are white on the inside, but their backs are dark. Their tan fur reflects light during the day and helps protect them by keeping them warm at night. The
Fennec ears not only eavesdrop on nearby prey but also help the fox dissipate excessive heat in the desert.
Where does Fennec live? Fennec habitats are arid, especially in many parts of North Africa and the Sahara. You can also find it in Arabia and Sinai.

Is Your Web Content Doing Well On Search Engines? Find Out Using A Rank Tracker

With the world now being highly digital, more and more people access the internet to conveniently and easily get into and retrieve information on the World Wide Web. This makes the role of search engines crucial not only for users to be able to carry out their search but to also get the best and most relevant results.

Search engines are software programs allowing users to find information or content on that Web. To get the results that users want and expect, users enter specific keywords on the search bar of the search engine and run the search.

If you have products or services to promote or information to share, being on the Web is a great way to reach more people. In its most rudimentary setup, a website is one of the ways to have an online presence. However, with the millions of websites on the Web, it is crucial for you to have a well-managed and well maintained website for your content to frequently come out in search engine results pages.

Understand Your SEO Strategies – Use A Rank Tracker

To know how your content is performing on search engines, you need to have a reliable rank tracker, like AccuRanker. Rank tracking is an SEO practice wherein the standing (rank) of URLs on search engine results pages based on selected keywords are monitored.

There are many benefits to carrying out a rank check. One is that by tracking the standing of your URL over time, you can identify trends as well as become aware of the impacts and effects of the search engine optimization strategies you implement on your web content.

As mentioned, the use of a rank tracker or tracking software, makes it possible for you to determine which page on search engine results pages your website or webpage is located. This gives you a better understanding of SEO. If your web content often appears on the first page of search engine results pages, this means that your keywords and SEO strategies are effective and doing an excellent job at letting the algorithms of search engines know that your content is relevant to searches.

On the other hand, if your content doesn’t show up on top of search results or on the first page of search engine results pages, the data you have can be used to look for SEO strategies that would help raise the ranking of your content as well as increase traffic organically.  If you experience rapid traffic losses and downward traffic trends, a reliable rank tracker can aid in diagnosing the cause of the drop, locating the pages that cause traffic loss, and finding solutions to this problem.

Do News Organizations Be On TikTok?



News media are cautiously experimenting with spreading the news on TikTok, a Chinese video app that has been criticized for its privacy policy and alleged censorship. “It’s a bit stereotypical to automatically assume that TikTok is reporting to the Chinese government.” So, if your news organization decided to leverage TikTok as a news channel, click here to learn more.

After barely a month, the TikTok account @checknu of already has more than ten thousand followers – and that with only ten videos. It says something about how big the two-year-old TikTok already is. The app has 800 million users, mostly teenagers, of which 3.5 million are in the Netherlands. They upload videos with dance, singing, playback, sketches, and especially a lot of memes as their main components. An unfathomable culture for most people over twenty.

Why does a news site like go here? ‘We are always curious about what new platforms can bring us, how we can bind a new target group to us’, says editor-in-chief Gert-Jaap Hoekman. ‘When TikTok came up in the newsroom, I said: go and try something. We are now exploring what we want to do with it.’

@checknu is aimed at teenagers, just like the eponymous account on Instagram. On the account, funny videos from the editors and more serious content alternate. A post about a ghost village in Groningen reached 724,000 users. Others are only a few thousand, such as a meme video with an editor in Sinterklaas outfit. Hoekman: ‘For the time being, it’s hit or miss. It’s an elusive platform.’

NOS Stories and NOSop3, the biggest online news providers for young people, have not yet ventured into TikTok. ‘Every new platform where our target group resides is interesting, but at TikTok, we still have to explore how we can be of value there’, says editor-in-chief of both platforms Karina ter Horst. ‘We don’t rule it out, but the plans aren’t concrete yet either.’


In the US, there are already many more media on TikTok: including The Washington Post (315,000 followers) and The Daily Show (61,000 followers). But there’s also a lot of criticism of TikTok, and that largely focuses on the fact that the app is owned by a Chinese company: Bytedance. And china’s human rights violations and lack of press freedom are amply documented.

“Of course, you have to consider whether you can use TikTok to reach your audience, but there are more important questions, which I don’t think are being asked enough,” media professor Julie Posetti told SVDJ this week. ‘What are the risks to our privacy? Shouldn’t we fear censorship from a Chinese app that wants to dominate video journalism?

Recently, a video was removed in which an American girl denounced the situation of the Uyghurs, an oppressed ethnic minority in China. Her account was also blocked. Bytedance stated that it was a mistake and that the company would never censor topics sensitive in China. “We’ve never been asked by the government to do that and we wouldn’t do it. Period.’ Earlier, The Guardian revealed that TikTok censored content on topics like Hong Kong in the past.

And then there’s the privacy policy. TikTok was fined millions in the US because it collected data from children under the age of 13. And in the same country, the company has been sued for allegedly sharing user data with China.


ALSO READ: The Best Car Choice for Journalists – How to Find the Perfect New Car



Gert-Jaap Hoekman of understands the scepticism in part. He found TikTok’s response to the removal of the Uighurs video sounded “like an easy excuse.” But he also wants to nuance the negative image. ‘It is a fast-growing company that is extra under a magnifying glass. We are not deaf to the criticism of TikTok, but I think it is too easy and perhaps unwise to do nothing with it.

Hoekman points out that Western tech giants such as Facebook are also under constant fire for privacy violations. He finds it ‘in a way remarkable’ that TikTok is extra distrusted because the parent company is Chinese. ‘Of course, the system in China is different from here, but at the same time it is also a bit stereotypical to automatically think that TikTok reports information to the government.’

Do the considerations of NOSop3/Stories still include what TikTok’s privacy policy is and that the app is owned by a Chinese company? Karina ter Horst thinks it is too early to answer that question. ‘We don’t know this company enough yet.’ In general, she can say that it is ‘healthy’ to see what kind of platform you are dealing with, what kind of content is posted, and where it comes from. ‘The subject of privacy is more relevant now than it was in the days when major media embraced Facebook. Now, when a new platform emerges, you look at it more. And perhaps also to the fact that it is Chinese, we are not used to that.’

There is already a NOS Sport account on TikTok. “We went with sports on TikTok with the sole purpose of learning how the platform works,” says deputy editor-in-chief of the broadcaster Giselle van Cann. She finds that the platform is controversial ‘reason to do it very consciously and deliberately, at the moment we are only investigating.’


Bo Zhao is a researcher at the Institute for Technology, Law, and Society of Tilburg University. Like Hoekman, he states that the criticism of TikTok also applies to Western platforms such as Facebook. To underline that the situation is not black and white, he points to the news from a few weeks ago that Apple shared browser data from Safari users with Chinese companies. ‘The collection and resale of personal data are simply inherent in the revenue model of these types of companies.’

TikTok is headquartered in Los Angeles and isn’t even available in China. Still, the app cannot be seen separately from owner Bytedance, who is located in China, says Zhao. “China has jurisdiction over Bytedance. It is not the case that TikTok is exempt from the Chinese government requesting data because it is not in China.’ But, he says: ‘For the time being, it is no more than an assumption that this is actually happening.’

He also points out that in all countries, not just China, the intelligence services monitor social media traffic. ‘You have to approach both Chinese and Western governments and data-driven companies with suspicion.’

Zhao adds that TikTok as an international company must comply with many local privacy laws, and TikTok does not yet have the legal expertise that Google and YouTube do. ‘Then things quickly go wrong. Don’t write them off because they’ve made some mistakes.” He even thinks it’s good that Western tech monopolies have a competitor. ‘Then people can compare the data policies of different providers and make a choice.’ will soon find out whether TikTok is actually a censorship machine. As soon as a topic like the persecution of Uighurs or the protests in Hong Kong is back in the news, @checknu will post an item about it. If that were to be censored, leave immediately, Hoekman swears. ‘Then, as an independent, free medium, you shouldn’t want to sit on it.’


The Best Car Choice for Journalists – How to Find the Perfect New Car

Journalists need a car that can be used for many purposes – commuting, reporting, and interviewing. The best cars for journalists are those that are reliable and have great features like an entertainment system, Bluetooth connectivity, and a navigation system.

A journalist’s car is usually a sedan but there are other options like SUVs and hatchbacks. There are also some models that have been designed specifically for journalists – the Audi Q5 “Journalist” or the BMW X1 “Journalist”.

Read also: Car Lighting That Gives You A Better View

Best New Cars For Journalists

Journalists are often faced with a dilemma: should they stick to their old reliable car or buy a new one? There are a lot of factors that come into play, such as the cost of the car, resale value, and how much mileage it can get before needing an expensive repair.

Whether you’re in the market for a new car or just want to know what’s out there, check out these three models ideal for journalists.

1. Tesla Model STesla is not the most popular American car company, but for good reason. The Tesla Model S is an all-electric luxury sedan that can go from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds and has a range of 300 miles per charge. That’s the range of a large luxury SUV! It also costs $70,000 which means it’s not for sale at the local car dealer.

2. Honda CR-VThe Honda CR-V is a hybrid SUV with a gas engine and an electric motor. It’s available with up to 310 miles per gallon and has all the bells and whistles like navigation, entertainment, heated leather seats, safety features, etc. It also gets about 29 mpg in the city and an impressive 31 mpg on the highway.

3. BMW X5The BMW X5 is a luxury SUV with an electric engine that can go from 0 to 60 in 5 seconds and has a range of 435 miles per charge. It’s available with all the bells and whistles like navigation, entertainment, heated leather seats, safety features, etc. Plus it gets great gas mileage with up to 26 mpg in the city and 28 mpg on the highway.

How To Buy The Best Used Car For Journalists On A Budget

Buying a used car can be daunting for journalists who are on a budget. Journalists have to work with limited budgets, so they need to be careful when buying used cars. Most of the time, they have to buy at the last minute and they don’t want to get stuck with an expensive mistake.

The best way to find a good deal is by using websites that offer price comparison tools. They will help you compare prices across different dealerships and let you know which one is most affordable in your area.

Used cars price range. Websites like,, or offer consumers a great way to compare prices from all dealerships in the area. They allow users to compare prices on specific models, colors, trim levels, and options.

The Downsides of Technology in Society


If you can’t fathom your life without social media, you’ve most likely succumbed to social networking sites’ tremendous hold on the public. You’ve probably witnessed some of the bad affects of social media on people as well.

Sadly, for many of us, the negative impacts of social media are all too real. See these technology facts.  Let’s take a look at some of the negative effects of social media on real individuals that occur on a daily basis.

Anxiety and Depression

Do you spend a significant amount of time on social media each day? Spending too much time on social networking sites can have a negative impact on your mood. Chronic social users, on the other hand, are more likely to report poor mental health, including anxiety and depression symptoms.

It doesn’t take much thought to figure out why this is the case. You can see the carefully selected greatest portions of everyone else’s lives on social media, which you can then compare to the terrible aspects of your own life.

Cyberbullying is number two.

Bullying used to be something that could only be done face to face until the advent of social media. People can now bully others online, whether anonymously or not. Everyone now understands what cyberbullying is, and the majority of us have witnessed what it can do to a person.

While social media makes it easy to make new friends and create friends, it also allows vicious people to easily tear others down. Bullying perpetrators might take use of the anonymity provided by social media to earn people’s trust before terrorizing them in front of their peers.


Expectations that are unrealistic


Since most people are aware, social media instills in us unreasonable expectations of life and friendships.

The majority of social media platforms suffer from a severe lack of online authenticity. People use Snapchat to document their amazing travels, to brag on Facebook about how much they adore their significant other, and to fill their Instagram feed with heavily contrived photographs.

Body Image Problems

When it comes to Instagram celebrities, you’ll find stunningly attractive people wearing costly outfits on their wonderfully formed bodies if you look at popular Instagram accounts.

Body image is now a concern for practically everyone, which comes as no surprise. Of course, seeing so many people who are purportedly perfect (by society’s standards) on a regular basis makes you aware of how different you appear in comparison to those images.

Indoor Air More Polluted Than Outdoor Air – Airdoctor 5000: A Worthwhile Investment For You And Your Family’s Health

Our respiratory system is responsible for breathing in fresh air within our body, at the same time getting rid of waste gases as well as airborne particles. Naturally, the more particulates that we breathe in, the more difficult for our lungs to get rid of them. Whether indoors or outdoors, poor air quality could make it even more challenging for our lungs to do its purpose properly and to function at its best, causing adverse health effects. Research have connected several health concerns to air pollution, which includes

  • Premature death in individuals who suffer from lung or heart problems
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Nonfatal heart attacks
  • Decreased lung function
  • Asthma and other respiratory problems

The Airdoctor 5000 – A Worthwhile Investment For Your Home and Health

The airdoctor 5000 is designed to catch and remove 100% of airborne particles that contaminate the air causing or triggering certain respiratory problems or other health complications. These particles passes through three filtration systems for it to blow out clean and fresh air. It has a pre-filter that sifts bigger particles, a carbon filter to filter out gases and VOCs and an ultraHEPA filter that eliminates the remaining 0.003 micron-sized particles, such as viruses and bacteria.

While it may be beyond belief, the air indoors can be of poorer quality compared to the air outdoor. Dander and dust are well-known for decreasing the air quality indoors, however there are several more air pollutants making indoor air dirty and stale which can lead to certain health problems. Among the contributors of poor indoor air quality includes carcinogens and radon from building materials and cleaning supplies, VOCs from paint, upholstery and carpeting materials, cigarette smoke and mold.

In order to improve the quality of indoor air, having an air purifier like the airdoctor 5000 is a worthwhile investment. You not only make certain that the air indoor is clean and fresh, but also maintain the health of all occupant of the home. The airdoctor 5000 is lightweight with a sleek, elegant and neat design making it perfect for any space in the home. It is user-friendly and comes with a 3-color air quality sensor that provides a real-time update of the quality of the air, as well as a filter change alert to notify if it’s time to change the filter.

How to Read Online News Effectively for the Best Results?

Many people are still hesitant to read online news. There is a lot of misinformation and deceitfulness out there with irresponsible journalism. However, there are ways to improve your reading experience by focusing on the content presented and not necessarily the quality. Here is a guide to make sure you read online news for the best results.

What Does Online News Offer?

Online news is something you can get for free, which is why it’s hard to imagine that so many people are hesitant to read it. In fact, you can watch some documentaries about online news too directly from your IPTV or any other internet TV service providers. Online news also offers a unique reading experience. It’s easy to skim past articles and find what you’re looking for with a quick search.

The best way to know if online news is worth your time is by considering the following:

  • What is your niche?
  • How long does it take to read the whole content?
  • Will you be more informed after reading it?
  • Is the content interactive and in-depth?

Understand the Difference between Journalism and Blogs

Journalists and bloggers are not the same. Journalists provide the news of an event and communicate that to their audience in an unbiased way. Bloggers provide opinions about current events or a topic, which is often biased by their own personal beliefs.

Your goal as a reader should be to balance your reading between both types of blogs to get a sense of all sides of the story.

Be Wary of How You Read Online News

First and foremost, be wary of how you read online news. If you are accustomed to relying on Google for your information, it can be hard to change that habit just because you saw a headline about an event. However, if you are able to break that habit and still find your way through the clickbait content with more reputable sources, then it is worth it.

Secondly, use tools like google news alerts to stay up-to-date on what events are happening in the news. This way when there is something new that has happened in the world of news, you will know right away.

How COVID-19 Will Change Recruitment Permanently?

Job Interview


When it came to their recruiting function, which is change, it took a worldwide pandemic for a few employers to beat their biggest fear.

Their talent acquisition strategies, resources, and technology, in the wake of COVID, are what HR professionals are forced to re-examine. For the recruitment process and candidate experience, many of those changes have raised the bar. There’s no turning back and expect these changes to stay around long after the threat of COVID diminishes, some HR professionals say.

Before the pandemic, Pega was desirous to reduce the value and time constraints of traditional hiring by pivoting to virtual hiring. However, given what they saw as potential risks related to hiring candidates without in-person interviews, the corporate introduced an Employee or Manager Opt-out program: Employees hired virtually can leave the corporate after 30 or 60 days on the task with two months’ salary if they feel they’re not a decent fit. Their boss also can let workers go at 30, 60, or 120 days—giving them the identical amount of severance pay—without being penalized for prime turnover rates.

However, the number of managers who took advantage of the program was within the single digits. But since COVID, it’s doubled.

Bokel Herde, adding that even the company’s CEO, Alan Trefler, virtually hired a chief sales officer, says “I don’t think we’ve ever had this much trust with virtual recruitment as we’ve had within the past. [People] think if the CEO can hire someone to guide our sales organization, maybe I can, too. This has been a positive of COVID.”


ALSO READ: Corona Patients Frequently Have Lower IQ 


Bokel Herde says COVID’s footprint is everywhere recruiting. Which was 35% paperless pre-COVID, the recruitment process at Pega is now 100% paperless. To raised understand the challenges facing job candidates applying for remote or hybrid jobs, most (98%) of the company’s 900 managers have completed empathy training.

Rarely mentioned to candidates was Pega Academy, which offers free, online classes to employees in the past. But last year, recruiters started promoting it timely within the interview process. Because of the pandemic, she says, that they had longer and desire to complete professional development courses since some candidates lived alone and were homebound.

Last June, to assist candidates navigating the interview process and better understand Pega’s culture, the corporate selected employees as talent ambassadors. HR is additionally now considering whether to allow job candidates to interview questions before so that they can record their answers. She says this can allow hiring managers to match candidate responses to identical questions.

Rise of automation

Technology has been key to helping employers sustain employee and candidate expectations.

Matt Alder, producer, and host of The Recruiting Future Podcast and one in all HRE’s Top 100 HR Tech Influencers for 2020, says that COVID has accelerated the creation and adoption of recruiting automation tools by a minimum of several years.


Read News On The Best Ereader

With an Android device, just like an iPhone or iPad, you can read the news on the best ereader. You can know information from around the world on the go.

Best ereader: how it read news with Android devices

Search for an app in Google Play: Best ereader

Best ereader

Google Play, the Android app store, is divided into various application areas such as apps, games, films & series, music, books and kiosk. In the “Apps” area, all the major news magazines are represented in the “News & Magazines” category. However, the apps are mostly those for the so-called e-paper, the digital version of the printed newspaper, which is also chargeable. If you want to read the digital version of a newspaper or magazine, you usually have to take out a subscription. The app can be downloaded free of charge because it provides the framework for displaying the e-paper.

Google Kiosk: Best ereader

Alternatively, you can also search under “Kiosk” in Google Play. To get to the “kiosk”, you have to push the ribbon firmly to the left under the Google Play search field. If the side turns from green to pink, you’ve come to the right place. In the “kiosk” you will mainly find the online versions of the major news sites. When making a selection, it is helpful to sort the offer in the “Your Library” menu by topic, “Magazines”, “Top News” or “Categories”. You can view and download the individual apps and add other sources.

Download the best ereader app

Take a look at the individual apps to decide which apps you want to use. Find out more about content and costs at the touch of a finger on an app. Select an app and download it. To do this, tap on the “Install” button (for the Google Play Apps) or “Add to Play Kiosk” (in the Google Play Kiosk). The latest news from this provider is already displayed.

Setting up the best ereader app

You can personalize many apps according to the main topic. You tell the app what topics you are interested in, and most of all the app shows you the information you want.

The Best News Apps: Stay Informed


News apps are more important than ever in times of crisis. We list the most reliable and best news apps for you. It’s always convenient to have some on your smartphone or tablet.

The app lets you find the latest news as well as more detailed articles from the last few years. This makes an increasingly serious competitor to newspapers, while at the same time ending the old pillars of these media. is neutral, delivers the latest news quickly, and above all, is reliable. With easily accessible Dutch news, you can’t escape. Below are the news apps that you might find worth checking out.


Very special app: NOS Teletext (Android version, iOS version). Teletext is, of course, old digital media, but it’s still popular. Don’t expect detailed background information here. Expect only the latest news. It can be used not only on TV but also in the form of an app. It’s also still popular in the Netherlands, even if Teletext is often (or already) turned off abroad. And why? Reason: Key points and reliability.


Obviously, if you’re looking for international news, CNN is famous. And where many other American news channels often have very political motivations, CNN isn’t too bad. You are still at the top of the news and much of your activity is shifting to online sports. This includes CNN apps with the same name. You will find world news in it, and thanks to CNN International you certainly don’t just see American news.


Flipboard is a news collector. Set up the app (iOS, Android) according to your interests and watch the news in these areas. Both domestic and international media are involved. All of these are packaged in a compelling user interface that allows you to flip through the pages of news you’ve collected.


All of the above messaging apps are free and the content is also free. Blendle (iOS app, Android app) works differently. Your monthly subscription gives you access to a wide range of articles from newspapers and magazines. There are a lot of Dutch, but there is certainly an English part as well. The downside is that many Dutch newspapers have withdrawn from the Blendle project because they see the app primarily as a competitor.

It’s not a problem in itself, but there’s certainly more than enough to find! A must-have for real news addicts who want to know the background of the news. This app is not very suitable for difficult news. You can do this using any of the above apps and jailbreak free. Additional benefits of all the above news apps: With fresh news, you will immediately receive a signal that the paper newspaper can’t keep up!

Corona Patients Frequently Have Lower IQ

The coronavirus appears to briefly impair people’s IQ. According to a British study, cured corona patients perform worse on IQ tests than persons who have never had corona. The IQ of British people who had to use a ventilator decreased by seven points. Even after the disease’s symptoms have passed, the virus appears to have an effect on intelligence, and if you want to check your IQ average, you may take an online iq test free.

IQ tests made worse after corona infection

Around 13,000 persons claimed they had a corona infection out of the total number of participants. 275 people took the test both before and after they were infected. According to the academics, these folks had a greater cognitive ability prior to infection than after. Furthermore, the scientists draw a contrast between Britons with a corona history and British who claim not to have had a corona. Even after controlling for criteria such as income level, age, gender, and education level, the latter group appears to do higher on IQ tests.

COVID-19 leads to concentration problems and difficulty finding words

According to the study, people have more trouble with goal-oriented cognitive activities such as problem-solving, reasoning, and planning. These findings are in line with reports of long-term problems. Concentration issues and difficulties finding the correct words are particularly prevalent, according to the study’s authors. Their conclusion Recovery from COVID-19 infection may be accompanied by significant difficulty in higher cognitive function components. After being infected, the symptoms might last for weeks or even months. The rate of decline is also affected by the severity of the disease that persons developed as a result of a corona infection. People who have been in the hospital and have had to use a ventilator have the highest cognitive deficits: their IQ declines by an average of seven points. The declines were lower in persons who grew less unwell. Nonetheless, the researchers are wary about drawing too hard conclusions regarding the impacts of corona on IQ based on their findings. The study, according to them, is a beginning step toward future research on the issue. It’s also unclear how long the influence on intellect will persist. Longer-term research should be used to determine this.

Problems were also reported after the corona vaccination

In fairly other circumstances, issues for all intents and purposes are caused by definitely more than just coronavirus exposure, contrary to popular belief. Following their immunization, some women develop period-related problems. This type of commotion has been reported on fairly social media for some time, and the Lab side effects center kind of has received over a thousand reports, contrary to popular belief. Absence of period, heavier menstruation, breakthrough bleeding, and bleeding after menopause literally are the many issues that some women essentially get after receiving a corona immunization. The lab particularly is unsure if these problems for the most part are due to the immunization.


Why You Should Prioritize Your Oral Health During COVID-19

Young lady brushing her teeth


Dental health directly affects the immune system’s response which many patients might not realize. Everyone comes in-tuned with both viruses and bacteria that stress the body’s natural defense systems. When the body is healthy, these viruses often resolve in a very few days. However, a viral attack can prevent the system from fighting off the sickness if the defenses are weak. Read on to be told how dental health relates to the system.

Oral health and therefore the body

The system and a patient’s overall well-being are closely linked. When there’s a controversy with one, the opposite is usually affected. For instance, persistently early signs of medical issues may be detected within the mouth. The dentist, like a Long Beach dentist, for instance, can then refer the patient to a medical care provider.

Inflammation and therefore the system

Many people who have poor oral hygiene even have health issues. Studies have shown that carcinoma and Alzheimer’s are more likely for these individuals. it’s believed that inflammation is that the explanation for this. When a patient has an allergy or cold, there are effects within the mouth.

A simple cold can deplete the system. This implies that the bacteria within the patient’s mouth can damage the oral structures. Increased inflammation and gum pocketing near the teeth are some of what a dentist can see. Under normal conditions, the body can easily address the bacteria.

The body will send its defense mechanisms to rebuff an illness. For instance, when a patient has bleeding or deep pockets, the body sends the system to fight the bacteria. A patient needs many white blood cells to fight an infection, even early gum disease. When an illness like COVID-19 occurs, the body doesn’t have as many resources left.


ALSO READ: 9 Ways of Taking Care of Skincare During COVID-19


Preventing illnesses

The good news is that by supporting oral health, patients can avoid issues like infections within the mouth. Which will leave the system unengaged to fight more harmful organisms. The more resources all and sundry has, the less a deadly disease or bacteria will affect the patient. For this reason, older people often have the next death rate.

The system of an elderly person is usually run-down or depleted. Their body doesn’t provide the type of defense that a younger person’s body does. For people of all ages, however, the system may be boosted by natural methods. Eating nutritious foods, staying hydrated, and exercising are what this includes. Caring for the teeth to avoid infections is additionally vital.

Care for your dental health today

You may not be able to head to your regular dentist for checkups and cleaning. However, a small amount of prevention now can go a protracted way toward keeping you healthy. For patients who have orthodontic appliances, this will be even more important. It’s often difficult to scrub under them and take away food next to the gumline. Regardless of what your dental health is like, it’s never too late to begin taking care of it.


Verifying Information You found Online

Doing a quick Google search will give you a good grasp of what is the main ideas on a given topic. On the other hand, since anyone who has access to the internet and a computer can easily publish anything over the web, it becomes very important to assess the information that you find. This is true especially when you are doing a research paper or perhaps, then searching for information similar to health, financial data, election or even consumer products.

Information can be Manipulated Online

There are many websites over the internet that gives people the power to make changes on a given event, story or product to fall in their favor. This at the same time is the reason why there are fake news running around the internet.

One of the sources where fake news are rampant are on social media websites. If seen and read by untrained eye, it can spread information that can damage a certain entity.

So how are we going to prevent this sort of thing from happening? It is pretty straightforward actually. There are a few ways on how it could be done.


In this, what you are looking for is how recent the information was updated, posted or published. If you can find the publication date, then that would be a good start.


You need to know whether the information is relevant to the topic and at the same time, check who was the intended audience for it? Aside from that, it is vital that you do your due diligence in comparing the sources that you can found on the topic. If two sources tell you the same thing, then you are good. Otherwise, then, you have to do further research.


It is vital to know who has written the information. Are they knowledgeable or known experts in their field? For instance, if the article was about health, was it written by a regarded nurse or doctor? Same goes with other topics.


You have to know where the information was acquired. Is there something to support it? Is it verifiable? These are a few of the questions that must be asked by any discerning reader.
